Devoted to God
Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay 1 1-3 Job was a man who lived in Uz. He was honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion. He had seven so…
Image by Arnie Bragg from Pixabay 1 1-3 Job was a man who lived in Uz. He was honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion. He had seven so…
In this post today, you will see some of the benefits of seeking God. Seeking the Lord is our utmost vocation as God’s creations and as Christians. Related: How do you inquire of the Lord? What does it mean to seek God? Seeking God is all about the following and more: Seeking salvation from […]
Have you ever been at a crossroad in your life and you see an obvious choice that’s right in front of you? You can choose to go one direction or another, knowing that at the end of the day you must…
My new Bible Short Report addresses the question, how do you inquire of the Lord? I am presenting the full copy in this post. This report will also show you the 5 Benefits of making inquiries of God. It also contains requirements that are needed for you to successfully and consistently make inquiries of God. […]
Whatever situation you find yourself in today, you can rest in knowing that the peace of Christ is an active and alert referee in the heart of the believer.
Finding my way back home begins with simply seeking Christ without a ministry agenda. Who I am in Christ matters more than what I do in Christ.
"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." - Hebrews 12:1-2 Please Pray:Today’s evening prayer comes from the cherished hymn, “How Great Thou Art”, originally penned by Carl Boberg. If you know the tune, sing it...
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). In Matthew 6, Jesus taught his disciples about the cure for anxiety. He taught t…
Seek God with all your heart. This 3 part Bible study looks into the Biblical meaning of seek God with all your heart. And the many benefits of seeking God.
Seek God with all your heart. This 3 part Bible study series looks into what the Bible means by "seek God with all your heart". And it also shows how to do it.
He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding (Proverbs 12:11). Life is hard work, and God said it would be so. When Adam and E…
Seek God with all your heart. This 3 part Bible study looks into the Biblical meaning of "seek God". And also how to seek God with all your heart.
The idea of putting God first sounds noble and dedicated. The truth is, it compartmentalizes our faith in ways God never intended.
The high point of the Jewish calendar was the Passover. It was, for the Jews, one of the holiest times of the year. However, while Jesus encouraged and prepared his disciples for the things that are to happen, the religious leaders were engaged in a very different kind of activity. This passage presents us with a very strange contradiction. On the one hand, it is almost the holiest time of the Jewish year, in which the festival of the Passover is observed, which represents salvation and life. On the other hand, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, who are responsible for being the spiritual leaders of the people in this observance, plotted to kill the Son of God.
Image by André Santana Design André Santana from Pixabay It’s challenging to turn over to God a situation in our lives that we are deeply concerned about or even worried. We often feel as though we…
The prolonged burdens we bear will either grant us an enviable experience with Christ—or crush us. And what we do in our moments of “too far” and “too much” will largely determine the outcome.
A man ran up to Jesus, fell on his knees, and asked him what he had to do to have eternal life. Jesus told him to keep the commandments, and the man assured the Lord that he had kept them since he was young. Perfect obedience! According to the religious ideas of the time, that should have been more than enough for this man to have eternal life. So, how did Jesus respond? This man wrongly thought that he could obtain salvation by doing. Jesus goes along with this man’s wrong assumption, and he points him to the Ten Commandments. The man replies that he’s kept them all from when he was a boy.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The other day, I had to fast for twelve hours and then have blood drawn for an upcoming doctor’s appointment. Needless to say, I was hungry by the time I finished…
“I grew up in “nothing” land. I mean, the landscape is sparse! There are no good jobs in the area, and most homes are filled with broken relationships. I don’t know why people choose to live there …
By Elizabeth Prata If You want to look like Jesus, look at Jesus. I focused on the phrase “fix your eyes upon Jesus” from Hebrews 12:2. I looked up the word “fix” and the St…