Finding Our Way Back Home - Denise Pass

Finding Our Way Back Home

Have you ever felt lost? Even when you are in a familiar place?

I’m not talking about being physically lost but a sense of lacking purpose and direction.

My dissertation mentor warned me I would feel this way after completing it. Akin to a ship without a rudder, I have felt lost in a sea of life swirling all around me. A feeling that I could not go back to what I knew before has overwhelmed me.

It is like trying to fit into an outfit I no longer fit into. (Ugh…this is also a challenge). Life has changed, and so have I.

An incredibly painful church situation left me broken and struggling to concentrate enough to complete my dissertation. Then, health problems and a diagnosis for my precious mom meant everything needed to be set aside while I took care of her—which I am so grateful I have been able to do.

But as I consider where and how to start back to consistency with my ministry after a long break, I am unsure what that looks like now.

I know it needs to look different, and that is okay—it’s more than OK. We were not meant to do the same thing forever and should seek direction from God to do what He has called us to do.

So, as I have pondered how to get back home to my “normal,” I realize I often have had the wrong goal. Trying to get to an identity that is based on what I do is not the same as simply seeking Jesus as my home and seeking my identity in Him alone.

While Jesus has made space for me to rest and recover from an intense season, I found myself anxious trying to ensure I was still “doing” ministry, but Jesus wanted me to focus on just “being.” This is hard for me. How about you?

The steps below have been helping me as I move forward with His calling for my life. I hope they will encourage you, too.

Finding Our Way Back Home #1: Seek Jesus without a ministry goal.

Finding my way back home begins with simply seeking Christ without a ministry agenda. My first purpose is to glorify Jesus and know Him more. Who I am in Christ matters more than what I do in Christ. It is being still and knowing He is God that is my life.

Finding Our Way Back Home #2: Seek to follow what He has already shown.

As we hunt to discover the Father’s will, His revealed will shows us the way. The Bible is our compass. When we live out His revealed will for us, we are more apt to see the next path He wants us to take. As we seek God daily in His Word, before we know it, we are not so worried about what we will do as much as just being in Him, trusting He will be faithful to lead us.

Finding Our Way Back Home #3: Seek His Word for affirmation, not people.

The Mindset Hack this week (below) reminds me that true north is just being in His Word and trusting that He will lead me on the path I am supposed to take. Christ is true north. Whatever path we take is secure in Him when we seek Him first and continue to follow Him.

This might mean guarding our hearts from the pressure to jump back in. Waiting on God to provide direction can help prevent striving and burnout. Check out last week’s post on finding our second wind if you are feeling worn.

Gradually spinning one plate at a time helps us to ease back into whatever normal looks like now.

Keep seeking Him, friends. Even if we don’t know where we are going, Christ knows the way.

All for Jesus,


P.S.: After singing and leading worship for three services on Sunday, I was ready for a nap.* Yawn*. But my youngest son called me on my way home and asked if he could record me singing the song “Tend.” I am so glad he did—smeared mascara, tired voice, and all. I sang it straight through three times, and he kept the third one. Click this link or the video below to listen. I pray it encourages you.

This song has met me in this season of God’s pruning and also encouraged me as I am poised to usher in a new season.

As we struggle to find our way back to where we think we are supposed to be, God might just be crafting a whole new path that will require letting go of our roadmap and clinging to His.

Finding Our Way Back Home

All for Jesus,



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