Youtube is censoring films revealing inconsistencies about shooting in Las Vegas 2017

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You’re not allowed to question the official story of the Las Vegas shooting, even if it doesn’t hold up for scrutiny

I don’t even make Youtube films but I was still flagged this morning for making a play list called “Conspiracy theory – Las Vegas 2017”. I had saved one or two films on that play list, containing someone pointing out inconsistencies in the official story (like witnesses seeing multiple shooters) and asking questions about it. Not allowed! And Youtube of course has this rule for your own good …

Note, that just because I’ve saved films about conspiracy theories on my Youtube channel it doesn’t mean I believe in everything that is stated in those films. It’s just that it’s interesting to list various conspiracy theories and share which arguments people use to question the official story.

What if you were not allowed to question the official story about the concentration camps during WW2? What if you started to point out that Jews and other groups of people were being systematically killed in concentration camps and that the German government has concealed this for the public? What if people would then me upset with you for bringing up such a ridiculous idea and ask you to keep quiet unless you had proof for your absolutely absurd conspiracy theory? Conspiracy theories might turn out to be the truth. If you automatically trust mainstream media, there is no hope for you. Soon alternative media will be completely banned, so take the chance to turn to other sources while you can.

We have to be prepared for even more censorship in the future, and the leaders of the European Union are vehemently pushing for more censorship by trying to get more members to intensify their efforts to censor hate speech, which is code word for silencing people who question whatever official story that the government wants to push.

More and more people are turning to alternative media (and sometimes alternative alternative media), in order to get the truth, because they certainly don’t get the truth through mainstream media. When it comes to conspiracy theories, the absolutely worse channel to turn to is CNN. They will tell you propaganda straight from the shadow government, and there is no end of false witnesses (FEMA actors) who would like to tell their stories to the camera. The aim, apart from pushing American gun control, is to get the public to scream: “Please save us from the terrorist attacks! Can we have more Big Brother, please! Would you like to get access to all our phone conversations and emails? Sure, anything you like if we can only get a Police state quickly because that will give us safety! We know you’re only doing it for our own good to get the bad guys. Higher taxes? No problem! Thank you government for being our hero and for saving us! We want globalism and one world government now! PLEASE!”

If you would like to hear about the inconsistencies about the Las Vegas shooting, just search on Youtube for it, and add a search word such as conspiracy, hoax, false flag, psy-op or similar. Youtube channels will of course continue to be removed every day, but new users turn up and post their stuff. Do NOT count on that the film can still be viewed if you share it on social media. I have loads of films on my play lists that are no longer possible to view, because it takes too much time to go back and remove them.

I suppose people are tricked into automatically trust the official story of a terrorist attack because the attack would be way too big to lie about, and the government wouldn’t do that to us … (It’s actually not the government but rather the shadow government, including the CIA.)

I can end with this Sandy Hook film. The producers of the film of course knew that Youtube would not allow it since it’s skeptical against the official story, and for this reason the film makers made preparations. The film started out being flagged and removed from both Youtube and Vimeo within minutes just as expected, but the film makers made a joint effort to post the films on their own channels and shared it extensively on various social media, resulting in that the film continued to spread so rapidly that Youtube eventually had to give up. It was too late and too hard to put the genie back in the bottle, so they had to let it go.

This ordeal has made me even more eager to share conspiracy films on social media because time seems to be very limited and maybe I should take the chance while the window is still open. We’re heading for another type of future where you’re not supposed to question the leaders.


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