This resonance of sound is a powerful illustration of the oneness of spirit we can have as believers in Christ. The Holy Spirit is our standard for oneness as we come into His presence and tune our hearts to His. This will often require humbling ourselves and ridding our hearts and minds of any thought or attitude that is opposed to His. Even the smallest offense can distort our perception and render us “out of tune” with His intentions. But when we clear our thoughts and attitudes of anything that would be offensive to Him, our prayers have added weight and authority as we begin to speak from the mind of Christ and the heart of God.

It is this synchronization with the Father’s heart that gives us favor and exponential authority to speak to mountains and tear down strongholds. It’s not the content or length of our prayers that make this difference, but the tuning of our spirit that gives us access (1 John 5:14-15). It is this same dynamic that will affect our oneness of spirit with each other. It is this same need for a pure sound of being one in the Spirit that will determine the weight and authority of our collective witness and prayers.

There are principalities and powers hovering over regions, territories, and entire nations. These “principle spirits” affect everyone under their domain. These demonic strongholds can restrict and limit breakthroughs – not only corporately, but individually. I believe there are many whose healing and breakthrough has been delayed – not due to any personal lack of faith or persevering prayer – but because there are territorial principalities blocking the way. The breakthroughs that many individuals are hoping for can only come when there is a corporate sound of authority that rises to displace these ruling demonic strongholds.

Our default in determining “agreement” in prayer has usually been based on strategies, insights, passion, or common goals. We have hoped by simply coming together and saying the same prayers or declaring the same promises that breakthrough will come. And yet, if we do not recognize the sound that we carry, both personally and collectively, we are falling short of what oneness in the Spirit actually means. We will miss the key component of what gives us corporate authority in prayer.

If we are not “in harmony” with each other, there will be no resonance in the spirit – no amplified authority to override the opposition’s static. It is only when we deal with the issues of our heart that true oneness can happen. It is only when we humble ourselves before each other and lay our hearts bare that we will begin to emit the frequency of true unity. We may not agree on every detail of our assignment, but by surrendering ourselves in mutual submission, we are synchronizing our hearts and re-sounding the Father’s heart. I believe it is this SOUND of ONENESS that will eventually displace regional and national principalities and bring our long-awaited breakthroughs.

A powerful example of this is given by James Kawalya, an ex-satanist who used to take down pastors and churches through occultic powers. He tells of John Mulinde, a humble pastor and teacher in the nation of Africa. He was known to have a powerful sound in the spirit because of the agreement he had nurtured among believers in his region (listen to the testimony here, starting around 1:14:00.) Through his consistent practice of establishing altars of worship and prayer throughout his nation, a network had formed with corporate authority in the spirit – and a resulting sound.

Kawalya said that when Mulinde ministered, there was such a oneness in the spirit among his followers, his voice became a conduit of unity and echoed throughout the heavens. Their oneness in spirit re-sounded with such authority and power, satanists within a twenty-mile radius could not even function. They were told to leave the territories where he ministered, otherwise they could die. Kawalya even went so far as to say Mulinde operated like a principality. His voice became the principle spirit in that region – thus nullifying any opposing powers of darkness!

I believe it is this kind of sound that must arise among the priesthood of believers. Even as opposing forces seek to distort frequencies and altar the atmosphere through demonic schemes, the Ecclesia must rise up in a true oneness of Spirit to nullify their power. It is not about numbers or leadership clout. It is not about the length of our fasts or the size of our gatherings. It is about our attitudes of humility and honor towards one another. It is about ridding our thoughts and perceptions of anything that is disrupting our oneness with the Spirit. It is about establishing a holy standard by which we gauge our unity and direct our prayers.

We need to assess the sound coming from our own spirit. We need to assess our oneness in the Holy Spirit as we seek breakthrough together. We need to examine what our unity is based on and pursue a harmony of the Spirit that overrides the distortion of enemy forces.

I pray we learn to synchronize our hearts together so that with one voice we can shatter demonic strongholds and territorial spirits. I pray we learn the true essence of being one in the Spirit and become a symphony of sound in the heavens. May we become a Kingdom principality in the land and a life-altering sound that reverberates in the spirit for generations to come. 


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