The Testing Of Your Faith Isn’t A Punishment | Get Ready To Endure

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The Bible encourages all believers to stay faithful to God —irrespective of the problem at hand. The testing of your faith truly produces endurance that helps you to rejoice in the long run.

The testing of your faith

Often Christians find it difficult to understand why God will allow them to go through pains and suffering. Many end up losing their faith because their expectations of seeing God’s finger in their trials and suffering did not happen. By understanding that, the testing of your faith produces endurance, you will try hard to stay faithful to the Creator of this universe who is Omniscient and Omnipotent.

If you are in the Christian faith, you must bear in mind that, nothing exempts you from trials and temptations. However, the grace of God is always sufficient to see you through.

I remember, hearing of the ‘Fast and Furious’ movie star and R&B singer Tyrese Gibson asking his fans to pray for his mother who was hospitalized in the ICU room. It was a painful moment for him in February 2022.

Thousands of fans said prayers of recovery for his Mom. Tyrese kept his faith high knowing only God can help because the doctor said there is nothing he could do again.

Imagine a moment like this in a Christian’s life. What happened next? Tyrese’s mother finally died…

However, he was still grateful to God despite the pains he had to endure. This is one good common example Christians living today often face.

“For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the LORD. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Nothing has to drive us away from God. Our greatest gift is eternal life. And it comes after enduring all the problems we face in life through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Before I go any further, I want us to understand the meaning of ‘being tested‘ and falling into ‘temptation.’ They are two different things.

What Is Temptation?

By definition, Temptation is the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.

This is one of the crafty devices of the devil. He tempts us to sin and leaves us looking stupid by facing the consequences. His grand plan is to lead as many people into hell. That is why the Bible says the devil (your enemy) is roaring like a lion seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Giving in to temptation prevents people from experiencing the beautiful future God has intended for them.

Remember that the devil tempted Adam and Eve; He succeeded by leading them to sin which came along with other consequences. He also tempted Job but failed because Job stayed faithful to God throughout all his afflictions.

Satan tempted Adam and Eve

“…What is this you have done?” And the woman replied, “The serpent tricked me, and I ate.” (Genesis 3:13)

This same devil called Satan tempted Jesus Christ (Luke 4). On three conservative times, he failed. He is still tempting the Children of God. Those who can stand firm and persevere will surely rejoice in the end.

What Is A Test?

By definition, a test is a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.

This is very clear and simple for believers to understand the reason why God tested Abraham and other Bible characters. To God, the measure of faith isn’t necessary. The most important thing is to have genuine faith. Quality is always better than quantity.

“By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac. He had received the promises, yet he was ready to offer up his only son.” (Hebrews 11:17)

If you claim to have faith, it is right for God to test your faithfulness. His intention is not to lead you to sin but to see your preparedness for what is ahead of you.

This means God can test you by taking you through fire. In the end, you would be refined like gold. His plans are filled with joy, blessings and a beautiful future.

God told His own people (the Israelites) who were rebellious and unfaithful that He will test them by taking them through fire.

God tested Israel by fire Bible verse

“…I will now purify them in the fires of affliction and test them…” (Jeremiah 9:7)

The Testing Of Your Faith Challenge | Life Trials And Difficulties

One of the biggest challenges in Christianity is for one to stand firm and maintain a positive attitude while going through pains and suffering.

How can you tell the bereaved to rejoice in the Lord? How can you tell the sick to rejoice in the Lord? Who would be courageous enough to smile with hope while going through persecution?

The Bible teaches us to persevere even in the lowest moments of our lives. It’s very difficult when we handle such situations with our emotions. It is the Holy Spirit that can encourage, comfort and lead us into a new dimension full of hope and joy.

“My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” (James 1:2 – 3)

If testing your faith produces endurance, then you must be ready to prove your faith by enduring every painful situation.

Never think that what you are facing out there is unprecedented. Many have gone through worse situations. Think about the martyrs of the word of God. Think about the suffering of the early church. Christianity isn’t meant for those whose hearts are dominated by fear and doubt. God did not give us a Spirit of fear — remember that!

In fact, the scariest part is where the book of Revelation 2:10 says, in the last days; there would be greater suffering. You must endure even unto death and the Lord will crown you with the crown of life.

Trials shouldn’t compel you to renounce your faith. Instead, be grounded by putting up the full armor of God. There is a trustworthy promise of great reward from the Lord Jesus.

Does God Tempt Us?

God does not tempt us in any way. He is Holy and full of goodness. His plans for us are to give us hope and a beautiful future. He doesn’t lead us into temptation —instead, the devil does that.

“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself tempts no one. But each one is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desires.” (James 1:13 – 14)

Is Testing Of Your Faith Necessary?

Yes, it is very necessary for your faith to be tested. Why? Because there are too many fake Christians out there. If you even have genuine faith as small as a mustard seed, it is better than boasting of a bigger faith that is fake.

Ask yourself if you really love God. Figure out if you are ready to carry your cross and follow Jesus Christ. If you respond ‘Yes’ then be ready to face shame, suffering, persecution and so forth. Endurance should be produced when going through trials, testing, or whatever challenge.

“Put yourselves to the test to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize regarding yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you – unless, indeed, you fail the test!” (2 Corinthians 13:5)

I pray that you don’t fail the test. Being a Christian isn’t a joke. Christianity is not a place of 100% comfort. There are many challenges that will come your way. The testing of your faith will come in different means but you must persevere.

Dare not deny our Lord Jesus Christ because you suffered the loss of a loved one, your business collapsed, your marriage failed, etc,

Two women living by faith

The Bible says faith, when tested produces endurance; And that is very true. The more the devil plunges you into problems, the more you should stay faithful to God.

Apostle Paul sometimes used “long-suffering” to mean patience. Even the earliest believers had their share of the wickedness in this world. They strived by fighting the good fight through the power of the Holy Spirit.

In all, we gaze at the prize our Lord has prepared for us in heaven. This is what encourages us to keep on enduring the pains this crooked world inflicts on us.

How To Endure When Going through Trials And Temptations

As a child of God, the most important thing to do is pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions. Being in the middle of a stormy sea could put you into intense stress; hence increasing the tendency of falling into sin or making silly decisions. You must fully rely on God for direction, strength, and restoration.

Never try to rely on your own wisdom or understanding. The Lord Himself will pave the way for escape. The Bible says God will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. He will set a limit, help you to endure and pave a way for you.

God is the Comforter of the brokenhearted, the Provider of the needy, the Husband of the widow and the Healer of the sick.

The pains and suffering we undergo are temporal. Be prepared for greater joy in the long run. Trials or the testing of your faith should be the boiling point of your endurance. Try your best to endure all and your suffering will never be a waste. The Lord will surely wipe your tears and reward you.

Even if the Lord is punishing you through His divine discipline, He is meant to lead you to the path of righteousness because He loves you as a good Father.

“For his anger lasts only a brief moment, and his good favor restores one’s life. One may experience sorrow during the night, but joy arrives in the morning.” (Psalms 30:5)

God is good and so will always be available to help His faithful children. Whether you go through testing or temptation. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, we are reminded that His grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in weaknesses.


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