The Song of the Ark (Num 10.35-36) ‣ Praying Through the Bible

(Photo: Unsplash)

“…Arise, O LORD, let your enemies be scattered, and your foes flee before you”

“…Return, O LORD of the ten thousand thousands of Israel.”


The Ark of the Covenant was an important artifact and symbol for the Israelites and throughout Jewish and Christian history. The descriptions of its construction are exacting and detailed. It was carried in front of the people of Israel as they wandered the desert. It went before the army in battle. Centuries later, Isaiah had a vision of God sitting on the Ark as His throne. The disappearance of the Ark during the Babylonian exile has resulted in rumors, searches, and even a blockbuster movie, The Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Inside the Ark were other key items of Israelite history. Yet, they are not just historical, like the Declaration of Independence in Washington D.C., the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London, or the death masks of Roman Emperors in the Berlin Museum. These artifacts were physical representations of God’s care and protection of his people. Not only did they remind the Israelites of what God had done in the past, but it was also a reminder that He still was with them.

None of these artifacts exist today, just as many ancient religious objects are lost. The so-called “relics” of Jesus (the grail, a piece of the cross, a few drops of blood, etc.) are probably not authentic, though it is impossible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. Nor such things as the other Ark (Noah’s), despite the interest and occasional media reports of its discovery. Perhaps God prefers we focus more on faith and action and less on “proof”—just as Jesus pointed out (see Matthew 12.39, 16.4; Luke 11.39; John 20.27).

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