The "Secular" is Sacred — iWork4Him

Why is it we look at some jobs and label them sacred, and we look at other jobs and call them secular? Does God look at jobs one way or the other? Does He look down His nose at some jobs, calling them secular and lift up other jobs in His arms and say these are sacred?  I don’t think He does. I believe God has created all work for His glory and for the betterment of humanity.  

So, if our job can give glory to God, no matter what that job is, does that mean that our interaction in a “secular” environment can impact the lives of pre-believers? I think so.  

Often, we forget that every single human being we interact with on this planet is a spiritual being. Jesus made it clear. Those beings are either followers of His or followers of the enemy.  There’s no middle ground. But He never said that we weren’t spiritual. Every person on the planet has a soul.  So, if every person on the planet has a soul, and every person on the planet has the opportunity to become a follower of Jesus, that means that everyone can interact with God.  

One of the most fun conversations I have with people who doubt the very existence of God is when I challenge them to pray. I challenge them to pray and tell God, “if You really exist, reveal Yourself to me.” God wants nothing more than to have a relationship with every human on this planet. He gave every one of us the capability of that relationship. But we have to reach out. And when we cry out and say to God, “If You’re real, I need You,” He responds every time.  

This week on the iWork4Him Podcast, we interview a professional speaker and former fighter pilot who challenges people to actually prayer journal during a leadership session. These are not people who recognize the existence of God but just everyday people. But he’s challenging them in his secular job and in a secular environment to interact with God and to hear from Him, to ask Him for a solution to a problems they’re facing.  

God wants to be in a relationship with you and me, and all those around us. He wants to work with us, He wants to walk with us, He wants to live with us and bring us flourishing. Don’t doubt your neighbor’s ability to experience God. Just give them a chance, and let God do the rest! 


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