The LORD ‘formed’ Adam, the LORD ‘forms’ us in the womb

By Elizabeth Prata

In Genesis 2:7 we read,

Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living person. (NASB)

It is a glory for us to be able to worship a God who is so intimate with mankind. He didn’t speak man into existence like He did the grass or the cows or the stars. He formed man personally. Then He breathed into man his own breath, giving us a soul.

In reading the Genesis verse, I was reminded also of the verse in Psalm 139:13,

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. (ESV).

He isn’t an indifferent Allah. He isn’t a multi armed, capricious god. He isn’t a fish-god. He is GOD, and He is involved with mankind, each man and women. He formed us. He knit us together from the womb, to have this personality, these physical features.

Matthew Henry’ Commentary makes another connection,

When our Lord Jesus anointed the blind man’s eyes with clay perhaps he intimated that it was he who at first formed man out of the clay; and when he breathed on his disciples, saying, Receive you the Holy Ghost, he intimated that it was he who at first breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life. He that made the soul is alone able to new-make it.

And He gave us a soul. Matthew Henry again,

To God that gave us these souls we must shortly give an account of them, how we have employed them, used them, proportioned them, and disposed of them; and if then it be found that we have lost them, though it were to gain the world, we shall be undone for ever.

From the beginning, God has been intimately involved with man. Not from a distance, not apathetically. Involved.

To the end God has been involved with man (“It is finished”). And He is involved as we continue through the the epilogue of His finished work; as He develops His Church, raises up His Bride, sustains His people to the end of the end when we’re all resurrected in glory living in New Jerusalem. We serve an amazing God.


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