The God of Overflow! — SAMUELDEUTH.COM
In my devotional time this morning, God’s Word reminded me of a powerful part of His nature: He is the God of overflow! This passage is a window into a conversation that Jesus has with his disciples.
As He’s teaching them a lesson about the Pharisees and the danger of dead religion, Jesus makes a statement about his abundant nature. The disciples think Jesus is mad that they didn’t bring bread with them, and Jesus then becomes somewhat indignant that they think He’s worried about a bread shortage. Jesus is saying to them, I am a God of abundance and overflow. I am not in lack or short supply. He’s also saying, if I needed bread I can make it appear and multiply. I am not in need or in lack. I believe he’s wanting us to see him and experience the overflow abundance of God. Don’t go to God with the mindset that he’s lacking something or that what you need is difficult for Him. If He can feed 5,000+ with a young boys lunch, He can do the impossible in your life and situation!