Suicide is NOT a choice for believers of God - Raising Zion

suicide is not a choice

Suicide is not a choice for a believer. A non believer is already in bondage of sin and utter darkness – God judges his actions. A believer is cleaned every time he meditates on the word of God. He is given a way out to live an overcoming life with Jesus along-side. As harsh as it sounds, a believer is without excuse.

The anointed King Saul committed suicide because he did not want to be captured and killed by the hands of the enemy (1 Samuel 31:1-5). If he would have been obedient in his walk with God he would never have made this decision, instead, he would have turned to God. He was too proud.

Why is suicide not a choice?

A believer made a choice when he accepted Jesus and took water baptism. When he or she thinks of self harm, they are making a choice to go against God’s will. This choice or desire that overcomes occurs only because of consistent disobedience, lying natures and proud thoughts in a believer.

A rebellious and stubborn heart is like being under witchcraft and idolatry (1 Samuel 15:23). Are you born again? Consistently and wilfully rejecting God’s word can make the heart hardened by stubbornness and rebellion. As if being bound by a ‘spell’.

If you feel all hope is lost, turn to God. Trust the Holy Spirit to burn the evil spirit of suicide. Our hope is a lively hope. Our God is a God of hope (Romans 15:13), who fills us with His abundant joy and peace to help us believe through the power of the Holy Ghost. When we humble ourselves in prayer, repent sincerely, God sends a refreshing.

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Fear the Lord, you his godly people, for those who fear him will have all they need.” Psalms‬ ‭34:4-9‬ ‭

Be ready, Jesus is coming soon. Praise God and Amen.


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