
Ahh, just the title alone can scare any commitment phobe away – ‘’relationship, me? No, I’m far too young and carefree’’ or the typical ‘’I’m just not ready to be tied down, I have so much more living to do and so many things to see’’. Those are just a few of the of sentences we can use when we are far too scared to commit to one person for potentially the rest of our lives. Well, I have news for you, my friends, that’s what being a Christian is!

More often than not we receive signs from God or receive a calling on our lives and we choose to reject it or just play it off as though it was just our minds playing tricks on us, coincidence perhaps. However, when we do receive Godly signs we tend to fixate ourselves in the current situations we are in and where we are in life – all the things we want to and are yet to do. I put my hands up and admit that was me at one point in my life. I knew God was with me and he was calling on me and I chose to ignore it, why you might ask? Well it’s simple really, I was young – between the ages of 16-19 and I was in my prime, going out, partying, you know all the usual teenage stuff. If I’m being honest I just couldn’t picture my life without partying, drinking or smoking I mean in my eyes I just didn’t see life being fun without those things. I guess I was just scared – scared to commit to God and to lose all the things I felt made me, me.

Push forward – I was 21 years old getting ready for university. It was all very nerving and new for me. I was on my summer break, not working and just trying to get my head together in order to become a little more organized and prepared for something I never even dreamed I was going to achieve. I started feeling low and lost during that time. I just felt as if I was searching for something, I had no idea what it was, but I felt like I really needed it – something was missing in my life. I wanted to find an answer. Every so often I’d pop into WHSmith to look at their books – I just felt like I needed some motivational books to kick start my journey on a whole. I did this a couple times but couldn’t find anything that helped or triggered anything off until one day I walked into WHSmith with an open mind in regard to what I was looking for as motivational books clearly weren’t helping. I decided to walk and browse the isles, but I then found myself standing directly in front of the religious section – staring at the bible

(Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing).

That day changed my life.

I am now 22 years old and I am telling you today to push your commitment fears aside and begin the most important, magical, loyal and loving relationship you will ever have – the relationship with God. Upon writing this blog right now I am just having so many flashbacks and memories of all the glorifying blessings God has honored me with since then, I am far from the person I was, and you know what? I have changed but it was all for the better!! I have never felt so much gratefulness and thankfulness for the changed person I am today (Psalm 136:26 Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever).

However, I don’t want to sell you a dream and make it sound like a fairytale! So, let’s get one thing clear I am not saying that it is easy, relationships are hard we all know that but what always keeps us fighting for them? LOVE, COMMUNICATION & TRUST – And just like that there is your answer to becoming committed to the relationship you have with God😊.

Those three elements – LOVE, COMMUNICATION & TRUST is all you need when building that relationship with God – he will provide the rest; answers, purpose, strength, wisdom, forgiveness, understanding and so much more.

& trust me you’ll soon realize that the relationship you have with God is RELATIONSHIP GOALS! You’ll end up basing all your relationships around the relationship you have built with God!

Open up your hearts to God today and watch all the spiritual signs begin to manifest in your life.

                                                                          BLOSSIMING LOVE – YOU ARE THE SEED …

Sofia Rodrigues LE Youth Lead


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