One Of The Biggest Lies Of Feminism

Friends, this post is about radical feminism. This is not a post against women’s rights. Women and girls have been globally mistreated disproportionately throughout history in many ways.

Both men and women, boys and girls deserve their God-given rights to be treated fairly and with love. I understand the profound necessity of the women’s suffrage movement. I’m not speaking against the necessary parts of the women’s suffrage movement in this post.

I’m talking about radical feminism that has since developed and has ideologies that go against God’s word. I think women who subscribe to these ideologies don’t realize how much they are being played!

What is one MAJOR lie of feminism?

There is more than one lie attached to feminism, but in this post I’m going to focus on one in particular. A harmful fallacy of radical feminism is sexual “freedom” or sexual “liberation” for women.

This implies that women who choose to have sex outside of God’s design, within a loving marriage are living in freedom rather than bondage.

This lie of supposed sexual freedom or sexual liberation of women says women can have minimal or no consequences for “casual” sex just as men can.

Yet, these women don’t understand that they are playing themselves! Trust me, morally, it is not liberation for men to be sleeping around either. However, many men can freely have sex with women without responsibility, because women enable it.

These men do not get out of responsibility because they are not responsible before God, but because these women give them tickets out of responsibility. How do women give men tickets out of responsibility?

Once a woman has sex with a man who has not married her, she does not have the same legal protection that she would if she were his wife. If things go south once a woman is married and has children, there is spousal support and alimony.

When a woman is not married, the man can more easily run off and even not work so that he won’t pay child support. Or, he can work under the table to keep wages hidden. I have observed both of these situations happening to women.

The responsibility of men is to be men of integrity who marry before accessing their women’s bodies sexually and impregnating them. The responsibility in marriage is to be present, loving, monogamous husbands and fathers who provide.

Sexual immorality is bondage, not freedom.

• When it comes to casual sex, both men and women expose themselves to stds.

• It is easier and more common for men to transmit STDs to women than the other way around.

• Women are more likely to become emotionally attached after sex than men. Women produce more oxytocin, the bonding hormone, than men do.

• Women are the ones who can end up pregnant and carrying to term and delivery, terminating, or miscarrying.

• Men do not have to worry about these things! They won’t have to deal with it directly. Many of them encourage the women that they impregnate to terminate the pregnancies.

Sure, it’s easy for men to pass the buck to women and tell the women to deal with it by termination. Not only is this a serious issue with brutal loss of life in the womb, but the women and babies are the ones who have to go through the grueling termination process physically.

Also, terminating the baby has emotional, spiritual and mental ramifications on mothers. Often, these consequences are longterm or even permanent.

But radical feminists sees this as liberation! See how women involved in such are playing themselves? This is rather than doing things God’s way, with women saving themselves for men who have proven their love to them and committed to them by marrying them before they impregnate them.

Plenty men are going to continue to take the easy way out and fall short. They do this because they lack integrity, but also because many women lack integrity and these women’s bars for men continue to be low.

Many women who would prefer marriage are settling for not being married and giving men husband’s benefits so that they can have men rather than be single.

If a man can get a ticket out of commitment, he will if he lacks integrity. He will, if he is not mature. But many women continue to allow it. Many women have gotten on board with the “marriage is just a piece of paper” falsehood.

Yet, the real preferences of many women have been to get married and have families. But some women are willing to do almost anything to go along with what men want, so that they won’t be single, or for other reasons.

As always, plenty women are enablers when it comes to men’s behaviors; whether women are enabling the good or the bad. I encourage ladies to honor God and respect themselves enough to require men to respect and commit to them in marriage before rewarding them with access to their bodies.

If certain men don’t want to be responsible, to love and commit to women in marriage, women should be willing to remain single. Instead, many women go along with immature, irresponsible men’s desires and behaviors.

I know everyone is not a follower of Jesus Christ. But common sense dictates even to non-Christian women that women should take good care of themselves and respect themselves.

As long as women continue to offer men very low bars, immature men will continue to accept them and not step up to the high calling God has given them. The calling is to be responsible men who submit to God, marry (if not called to be single), provide for, love, protect and lead their wives and children.

A major reason more men are not marrying, loving and being faithful to their wives is because many women still don’t require marriage. They give men husband benefits outside of marriage.

Women are not responsible for the behaviors of men, but are responsible for having right standards, raising the bar for men we allow into our lives and respecting ourselves.

God has given women generally more moderated sexual desires than men have. I believe this is in part so that women can be cautious, selective and choose wisely. There is so much at stake otherwise. Yet, many women still are not sufficiently selective.


Modern feminism has some ideologies and practices that are Antichrist and harmful.  I want to encourage Christian women to keep God first and be necessarily selective. Non-Christian women, you also don’t deserve to be used sexually and stuck with the consequences.

Babies do not deserve to be terminated, but should be protected by their mothers. It is important for women to take care of ourselves – spirit, mind and body. This means safeguarding our hearts, minds and our bodies.

We have all fallen short of God’s standards in various ways. Whether some have terminated pregnancies, committed fornication, adultery, lied, stolen etc.

Friends, there is hope! God will forgive us when we confess our faults. It is important to repent and choose the better way- God’s way.

Supporting Scriptures:

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.

Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:1-2. KJV

It is so important to use prayer and wisdom in order to marry wisely! We should be prudent.

House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord.

Proverbs 19: 14. KJV

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 6: 16-19 KJV

We have all made mistakes and there is forgiveness from God available.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1: 9 KJV


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