Manchester terror attack 2017 and the previous terror drills (one in Sweden)

ManchesterAnother terror attack following a drill

This time the terror attack happened in Manchester, UK, which means that we must (apart from being horrified) ask the relevant question if there was a drill prior to the attack as usual? That is because most terror attacks follow one or more terror drills. Sometimes the drill takes place days or weeks prior to the real terror attack, and sometimes even the same day or even the same hour, when terror drills suddenly go live, as is the case with the London bombings 2005. I believe the terror attack in London was a false flag, but people die also in many false flag attacks and I certainly believe this is true when it comes to London.

Yes there were drills prior to the Manchester terror attack as well. Last month in Sweden (three days prior to the Stockholm truck attack April 7th) there was a terror drill involving the Stockholm and Uppsala Police force, and the theme of the drill involved youth being affected by a terror attack at a disco (resulting in serious injuries and I assume also deaths). About 60 youngsters were involved, including specially trained British crisis actors as well as actors with amputations – all from a British company. It must have been a very advanced drill considering that crisis actors had to be flown in from England. A disco with lots of young people is of course a very similar scenario to a concert with lots of young people, and it is of course possible they trained for a “disco concert”. (Is it not more likely that a terror attack might happen in a modern concert rather than in an old-fashioned disco?)

(There were of course also other terror drills in Sweden prior to the April 7th attack in Stockholm, like a major one the day before focusing on precisely the same street and the same Åhléns store as where the real attack happened.)

I am afraid you need to google translate the section below or read the article itself (in Swedish or google translate) in the newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning, which is part of mainstream media).

“– Scenariot var ett gymnasiedisko med någon form av terroristverksamhet där Uppsalapolisen och Stockholmspolisen skulle göra ett tillslag. De hade äskat sjukvårdsstöd av försvarsmakten för att ta hand om eventuella skadade, förklarar kapten David Bergman. Medverkade på övningen, som avslutades sent natten mot onsdag, gjorde även ett 60-tal ungdomar som så kallade skademarkörer. Även specialiserade, och amputerade, skådespelare från ett brittiskt företag var på plats.

– De är personer, ofta soldater, som förlorat en arm eller ett ben. De sminkas så att deras sprängskada ser ut att nyligen ha inträffat. I sådana här övningar eftersträvar vi största möjliga realism och påfrestning för att sjukvårdarna ska kunna klara sin uppgift under de absolut svåraste förhållandena, säger David Bergman.”

There was also a terror drill last year in Manchester itself, in a shopping mall. If the links are broken, it is because of Youtube censorship workers who delete films which do not line up with the official government story:

On top of this there was another drill one month prior to the terror attack (unless it was the same one as the one in Sweden). We know this thanks to a film clip where we can see Queen Elisabeth talking to some rescue workers, and when the queen asked them if they had practiced (a strange question in itself), she got an affirmative answer from a female rescue worker who said they had indeed practiced “a month ago” and it worked like clock-work.

It is very common that terror attacks are known in advance, and the Manchester terror attack is no exception. Here we can see a police officer talking about the terror attack the day after (May 23rd), and yet the youtube clip was posted May 22nd.

If you want to learn more about this attack, I can only suggest that you stay away from CNN. They have the most information, but not reliable information.

There are reports that people read about the news (for instance in Canada) hours before it happened. Also the Greater Manchester Police tweeted in the early hours of Tuesday morning (before the attack): There will be a controlled explosion in Cathedral gardens shortly if you hearing anything don’t be concerned.

“Rachel says someone used a photo of Gemma in a fake profile on Twitter claiming she was a friend lost in the tragedy in Manchester.“I have been calming fears all over the internet since that Gem was safe and nowhere near the event. I just thought, Why? What purpose does that serve?”Rachel said she would never understand the bizarre process of pretending to be someone else online, nor the awful tragedy at the concert aimed at ripping families apart.”
/The Courier Mail

Controlled explosion:

“More than 5,000 soldiers could be deployed on the streets of Britain in the wake of major terrorist attacks, under a secret Government plan, it has emerged. The troops would be sent to guard key targets in major cities if Isil or other terror groups launched multiple attacks on UK soil, under the plan, codenamed Operation Temperer. Details of the operation were disclosed by the Mail on Sunday after accidentally being uploaded to the National Police Chiefs Council website last week.”

From The Telegraph 2015


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