Kay Cude Poetry: The Pearl

By Kay Cude

Used with permission. Kay Cude is a Texas poet. Right click to open larger in new tab. Or see below


I set before you the One Deity and Power, found in the Three-in-Unity, embracing the Three one-by-one, equal in essence and nature…

“Picture the Trinity to be a single pearl, alike on all sides, equally glistening. If any part of the pearl is damaged, the whole loveliness of the precious stone is gone. So when you dishonour the Son in order to honour the Father, the Father doesn’t accept your honour. How can the Father glory in the Son’s dishonour? Likewise, if you dishonour the Holy Spirit, the Son doesn’t accept your honour. For though the Spirit doesn’t come from the Father in the same way as the Son, yet He comes from the same Father. Either honour the whole or dishonour the whole, and so have a consistent mind! I can’t accept your half-godliness. I would have you altogether godly.”

Source: Oration 37, Gregory of Nazianzus, (AD 330-390) “Shapers of Christianity,” Nick Needham Banner of Truth Magazine, No. 706-July 2022

Christian writer and Georgia teacher's aide who loves Jesus, a quiet life, art, beauty, and children.


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