Job and the Problem of Suffering – A Review

Job and the Problem of Suffering

The review of my book Job and the Problem of Suffering was written by John Nelson. John and his wife Lynette host a Bible study group called “Growing in Grace.” The group meets every Sunday at The Compass Church in Naperville. John and Lynette also teach a small group that ministers to seniors at the church

Job and the Problem of Suffering
A Review by John Nelson

My name is John Nelson. My wife and I have been hosting a Sunday Class at The Compass Church in Naperville, Illinois for the last twelve years.

In this class we have many different speakers, one of which is Dr. Claude Mariottini. Claude recently did a series of studies on the Book of Job. This year he published a book, Job and the Problem of Suffering, which I have just finished reading.

The book is an excellent book. It is an easy book to read and to understand. You do not need to be a Bible scholar to understand his book. I would highly recommend every Christian to read this book.

The reason for reading this book is that the subject of the book applies to every Christian. It is a very practical book in which one can immediately apply the knowledge imparted in the book. I will explain why I feel this book should be read by every Christian.

The book addresses two main topics. The first is the subject of suffering based on the Book of Job. Most of us have either experienced suffering or will experience suffering in our lives. Even if we have not experienced serious suffering, we do know people who are suffering and this book can be of help to them.

The book provides excellent answers to the questions we have when we struggle with suffering. It is during these difficult times that we question God and many times get no answers. The book gives a list of possible answers as to what could be happening during these times of suffering and where God is during the times we live in the valley of deep darkness.

The second topic the book addresses is understanding the character of God. We often have our own ideas about the character of God. These ideas can come from our background, culture, or what others say about God.

Many times, our concept of who God is and what kind of God He is can be incorrect. Often, we blame God for our suffering even if it has nothing to do with God. There are things that happen on this earth that are not God’s will. This book provides great insights into the character of God.

I know that my view of suffering and the character of God is not the same as it was before I read this book. Again, I highly recommend this book for every follower of Jesus Christ.

My book, Job and the Problem of Suffering deals with the problem of suffering and God’s awareness of human suffering. You can buy my book on Amazon.

Claude Mariottini
Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary

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