In case of emergency, dial 911


Today is the anniversary of one of the darkest days in American and indeed human history, 9/11.

We all remember where we were when the news broke, and how we as a nation watched the unthinkable, the complete collapse of both towers of the World Trade Center, all of it in real time. Of course, the greater tragedy was all the lives that were lost.

Why did it happen? Because of evil in the hearts of the terrorists who wanted to take the lives of innocent people.

I was there

Immediately following this tragedy, I flew to New York City. With the smoke still seeping from the wreckage, I walked the site of what was once the World Trade Center and I wept as I thought of all the lives lost.

I saw the photos of the missing, pasted on makeshift walls with phone numbers to call if this person was found. I saw the shrapnel embedded in the surrounding buildings around the site of the twin towers.

When you viewed this on TV, there was no way to get the scope of how large of a footprint these buildings occupied. Even walking the site, it still seemed unthinkable.


While walking the site, I also saw the tireless efforts of firefighters, police officers, and medical personnel doing what they could. There were also hundreds of Christians who volunteered as chaplains, counselors, and just friends, offering food, comfort, and, best of all, prayers.

I am proud to say that our church and the ministry we established in New York City was there from the moment it happened, sharing and showing the love of Jesus in anyway we could.

Dial 911

Those numbers–9/11–are forever etched in our memory. We all know what they represent.

Allow me to bring another interpretation to them for future reference.

We are told that when there is an emergency, we are to dial “911.” Let me remind you that when there is emergency, we can also turn to 911–Psalm 91:1.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1 NIV).

In the next verse, the Psalmist writes, “I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'” The chapter goes on to offer God’s promises of blessing and protection for the believer who is dwelling “in the secret place of the most high.”

Tragedy happens to everyone

I wish I could tell you that tragedy only strikes in the life of the godless, but we know the godly also suffer. One only has to read the story of Job, Joseph, David, Paul, and others from the pages of Scripture to see that. And of course,who suffered more then Jesus Christ?

The Bible does not promise a life that is free of suffering, but it does promise the presence of God, who will help us through that suffering.

And for those of us who have put our faith in Christ, we are reminded that death is not the end. We will live forever in God’s presence.

Today, let’s remember in prayer those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and turn to Psalm 91:1 for comfort and clarity.


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