How to use money wisely - Christian Personal Development

Christian wealth management

  • ·April 24, 2024

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If you want to know how to use money wisely, this post is just right for you. Money plays a very important role in our lives and in our daily living. 

The Bible confirms the relevance of money to us with many scriptural revelations in the Bible. No matter how holy you are, money is still extremely relevant to you. 

But how do you use money wisely? Please read on. 

Watch video: How to handle money 

How to use money wisely: God is interested 

God is interested in how you use money. I have heard some people say, “It’s my money, I can decide to use it the way I like.”

Yes, you worked to make the money but you’re wrong it’s not your money and you can’t use it the way you like. God helped you. He kept you alive and healthy to make the money in the first place. 

What Jesus said about the use of money 

I want you to look at this scriptural passage where Jesus showed us how to use money effectively. It is a popular story in the Bible. 

Mark 12:41 (AMP)

[41]And He sat down opposite the treasury and saw how the crowd was casting money into the treasury. Many rich [people] were throwing in large sums.

He sat in a position to see how people put money into the treasury. He is interested in how you use the money in your hands. 

He wants you to use money wisely and for the expansion of His kingdom.

Using Money to fulfill God’s will 

Jesus said I. Matthew 6:33,

“Seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…”

This is one of the very clear Bible passages that have shown me how to use money, my life and other resources in my care for the will of God on this earth. It is important you understand this. 

Money and everything that has to do with it is spiritual. You need to be spiritual to handle it and use money effectively. Those who don’t handle money with Godly spirituality usually end up being destroyed by the money they make.

One of the ways to handle money with Godly spirituality is to use the money in your care to fulfill God’s will for the earth. And that is using it for the expansion of God’s kingdom and to help others that are in need.

Bonus Resources: Make more money with your books, learn how to sell books profitably online 

Use money wisely: God owns the money 

The money in your care today belongs to God, ensure you use it following His laid down plans in the Bible. 

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.


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