How to Turn Jeremiah 33:3 into a Personal Prayer

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more wisdom & understanding? Learn how to turn the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3 into a personal prayer.

How to Turn Jeremiah 33:3 into a Personal Prayer

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more wisdom, insight, and understanding?

Indeed, would you like to be more discerning?

Honestly, one of the best ways to become wiser is to seek the Lord in prayer and reading the Bible.

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more wisdom, insight, and understanding? Click To Tweet

How to Turn Jeremiah 33:3 into a Personal Prayer

When we open the pages of the Bible and spend time in focused prayer, God speaks to us and gives us incredible answers and ideas.

-Would you like to be a better parent?  

-In addition… do you like to be a smarter business owner?

-Do you want to be wise with your money?

-Would you like to learn to handle relationships better?

-Do you want to have more peace, joy, and contentment?

-Would you like to be a person who offers great advice to others?

Then, you (and I) must seek the Lord.

We must spend intentional time alone with God regularly.

Spending time in the Lord’s presence changes us.

Truly, it helps us.

In addition, it heals us.

Indeed, no time in His presence or the pages of the Bible is ever wasted.

“The presence of God will not fix all of your problems, but it will clarify your perspective.”

Steven Furtick

The presence of God will not fix all of your problems, but it will clarify your perspective. (Furtick) Click To Tweet

Today, let’s take one of the most remarkable verses about prayer and time in God’s presence and turn it into a prayer.

Further, let’s consider how to make the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3 your prayer today.

Jeremiah 33:3

“Ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.”

FirstAsk Me. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Father, just as you promised Jeremiah, I believe You have promised me. I will ask and not hold back or hold off from making requests of You.

And, I understand that so often I don’t have answers because I don’t ask You for anything. You tell me that I have not because I ask not. So, today, I am asking.

Also, thank You, that when I call on You and come and pray to You, You will listen to me.

When I seek You, I will find You when I seek You with all of my heart. I’m so thankful that You hear and allow me to speak to You.

Thank You, that when I call on You and come and pray to You, You will listen to me. Click To Tweet

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more wisdom, insight, and understanding? Would you like to be more discerning? One of the best ways we can become wiser is to seek the Lord in prayer and in reading the Bible. Learn how to turn the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3 into a personal prayer in this practical post. #wisdom #insights #prayingscripture #jeremiah333

SecondAnd I will tell you. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Thank You, Lord, that when I call, You answer. You listen and You respond. Furthermore, I’m so grateful that You answered me when I called.

Indeed, You are with me in trouble; You will rescue me and honor me. Thank You that You are near to all who call upon You. And, You are near to all who call upon You in truth.

Moreover, today, would You speak to me through Your Word? Would You take my time in devotions and Bible study and speak to me? Speak to me through the music and the messages at church today.

Would You use Sunday worship time today to tell me things? And, would You speak through my godly friends and mentors? Use the words of those I trust to speak truth into my life.

Thank You, Father, that You can speak to me any way you wish to. Truly, I’m listening, and I ask You to be clear as You speak into my life. Don’t let me miss You!

Thank You, Father, that You can speak to me any way you wish to. I’m listening, and I ask You to be clear as You speak into my life. Click To Tweet

How to make Jeremiah 33:3 into a Personal Prayer

ThirdRemarkable secrets. (Jeremiah 33:3)

And, Lord, I’m excited to hear the remarkable secrets that You have for me. I want to know these great and mighty and wondrous things that You want to share with me.

To consider that You want to share mysterious and important secrets with me is amazing! So, I will get my pen and paper ready.

Now, I will open Your Word. I will stay alert and aware. And, I will be on the lookout for you to share these remarkable things with me.

And, Father, would You give me hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that I may know that You are the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons me by name?

Truly, I understand that the secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear You, and You reveal Your covenant to us.

I will stay alert and aware. And, I will be on the lookout for you to share these remarkable things with me. Click To Tweet

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more wisdom, insight, and understanding? Would you like to be more discerning? One of the best ways we can become wiser is to seek the Lord in prayer and in reading the Bible. Learn how to turn the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3 into a personal prayer in this practical post. #wisdom #insights #prayingscripture #jeremiah333

FourthYou do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Lord, there is so much that I do not know. Sometimes, I can be a know-it, but I see the truth when I come into Your presence. I am a mere mortal.

You are the Lord of this universe. God, I submit to You. I want to learn from You. I want to hear from You.

There are so many things I’ve not learned to recognize and understand. Also, there are so many things that I’m just not yet aware of.

Whether blinded by Satan or by my pride, I can miss many things. Would You open the eyes of my heart? Moreover, I want to see You and hear You.

Would You open the eyes of my heart? I want to see You and hear You. Click To Tweet

Do you ever find yourself wishing for more wisdom, insight, and understanding? Would you like to be more discerning? One of the best ways we can become wiser is to seek the Lord in prayer and in reading the Bible. Learn how to turn the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3 into a personal prayer in this practical post. #wisdom #insights #prayingscripture #jeremiah333

FifthAbout things to come. (Jeremiah 33:3)

Lord, You know what is coming tomorrow, next week, and next month. You are the only One who can prepare my heart for all that is ahead. The only way I can plan for the future is to stay pressed in close to You.

I ask that You grant me wisdom to distinguish and grasp all that You have for me. Would You make me as wise and discerning as I have ever been? I don’t want to miss anything!

Lord, thank You that I can call to You, and You will answer me. I’m so grateful that You will show me great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which I do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).

This is an amazing promise.

I claim it today.

In Jesus’s name, I pray, Amen.

Would You make me as wise and discerning as I have ever been? I don’t want to miss anything! Click To Tweet

Verses used in this article: Jeremiah 33:3; Jeremiah 29:12-14; James 4:2-3; Psalm 91:15; Psalm 145:18; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 45:3; Psalm 25:14; Ephesians 1:18;

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How to Turn Jeremiah 33:3 into a Personal Prayer


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