How to stop teenage addiction - Christian Personal Development

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This is a parent’s guide on how to stop teenage addiction problems. This is part of our Bible Short Report series. You will be reading the full guide here.

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How to stop teenage addiction problems – A Parent’s Guide

…11 Christian Tips on how to save your child from that addiction problem

Sesan Oguntade

Copyright 2016 Sesan Oguntade

Discover other titles by Sesan Oguntade

You Can Stop Masturbation

52 Bible Secrets for Your Business Success

How to Overcome Worry and Anxiety

You Can Be Rich Solving Problems 

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) and (MSG) are taken from The Living Bible and the Message Bible translations respectively.

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Chapter 1: Introduction to how to stop teenage addiction problems 

A survey shows that “74% of teens said they had turn to their parents as their No. 1 source of advice about the use of alcohol or other drugs. 63% said hearing their parents’ stories about past alcohol or drug use would make them more responsible about their own use of drugs” (Four Generations Overcoming Addiction Survey by Hazelden). CASAColumbia’s teen surveys have consistently found that family is fundamental to keeping children away from tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs (Survey on American Attitudes on substance Abuse XVII: Teens, August 2012.  

Some experts believe genetics and environment influence a person’s addiction risk. Most teenage addiction problems are as a result of the actions and inactions of parents or guardians! If a parent smokes and drinks heavily, there is a big possibility that one or all his children will take to such habit. If a parent womanizes, it is possible for one or all his children to embrace such act. If the child is not able to find a sexual mate, he or she could take to masturbation. Some experts believe genetics and environment influence a person’s addiction risk.

Now the parent factor may not always be the only cause of teenage addiction issues but I strongly believe it is a major factor. I am using this short ebook guide to teach Christian-motivated tips on how parents can prevent their children from having addiction problems or how they can help a child who already has addiction problems. Parents have great roles to play in the treatment of their teenage child who has addiction issues. Please enjoy this problem-solving book and make good use of it. Let me read from you. Sesan Ogunotade .

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Note: The treatment of this topic and other related topics on addiction was extensively done in the second edition of my book, You Can Stop Masturbation…and end any addiction problems. This book has helped lots of users since it was first published. You can read a comment from a user of the first edition: “I have just read your book, How to Stop Masturbation By Reading a Simple Story as I am currently struggling with Dopamine addiction. The book was of great interest to me and I liked the story you gave to help people. I’ll certainly try the techniques you advised” (Anonymous). Visit  

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It is also available on all major estores.

Chapter 2: How to stop teenage addiction problems: Admit There is a Problem

In our ministry, which is a problem-solving Christian organization, we believe that one of the first steps to solving a problem is to first admit there is a problem in the first place. This will steady and prepare you for series of further actions that will eventually solve the problem. I was having a chat by email with someone who, after reading one of my short reports on stopping masturbation and also saw our advert, questioned why I had to call masturbation a habit that must be stopped. I asked him if he was a parent and after he answered in the affirmative, I asked him again, “Can you sincerely and publicly ask or teach your child to masturbate”. I did not receive a response from him again. Now this parent did not see masturbation as a problem so he will not be in a position to help himself or any of his children who is addicted to such habit.

“But when he came to himself, he said, ‘ How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him…” (Luke 15:17-18).  This was the story of the prodigal son in the Bible. He asked his father to give him his own part of his property and moved out of the home to another country. Because he was unprepared for such adventure, he wasted all his resources in careless living. He took up a job thereafter in another man’s business. However, he later realized his situation needs quick remedy and the only remedy was for him to go back home to his father. He admitted there was a problem and his admission led him to take further steps of finding a solution to his problem.

Chapter 3: Admit You Have Shirked in Your Duties as a Parent

Yes you have neglected or overlooked something and that is the reason why your teenage child is into this. This step will not only commit you to find solutions by all means, it will also make you become better as a person and you will be strengthened to put in efforts to make amends. Some parents would not want to do this. They always go on a blame game, blaming the child and everybody for everything that is happening apart from themselves. A blame game of this nature will not help. You should let the blame start from you if there is going to be any at all. 

Eli, one of Israel’s Old Testament priests failed to take this step seriously on issues concerning the proper training of his children. God says this about him and his family: “For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them”. (1 Samuel 3:13). The Bible even quoted his irresponsible reply to God and His prophet, “It is the Lord. Let Him do what seems good to Him” (1 Samuel 3:18). He failed to see his flaws and never made any attempt to correct them. 

Whenever our four-year old child demonstrates a strange behavior or attitude, we (I and my wife) always try to look at how we have contributed to that. A four- year old will always pick up actions and attitudes from his or her parents. We check ourselves before we begin to investigate other channels of influence like school and the rest. I also used this effectively when I was a classroom teacher. If a student suddenly begins to put up a strange attitude in the class, I always do a check on myself before investigating any other channel of influence on the student. 

Chapter 4: How to stop teenage addiction problems: Prayer

In one of my Christian article, “You Need Spiritual Backing”, I proved why everyone needs what I call spiritual backing to get things properly done or solve problems on this earth. Some people have run towards God and some others have run towards other sources. If you have God as your Lord, then you need His spiritual backing to solve this problem and any other problem. Prayer is one of the major practices that can make this spiritual backing available to you. 

Manoah, the father of the popular Bible strong man called Samson said a prayer of enquiries to God when the wife reported her encounter with God’s Angel who told her she was going to conceive and bear a son. I want you to look at the content of Manoah’s prayer line to God: “O my Lord, please let the man of God whom you sent to come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born” (Judges 13:8-9) (Emphasis mine). This was a wise parent. He wanted God to teach him and his wife what to do with the child that God promised them. I wish most parents will be like this. You can kick-start the treatment plan with a prayer of enquiries. Put it in God’s hands, He will surely supply the relevant steps to you as you carry out the treatment on your child. 

You also need to pray for insight into how you have contributed to the problem, what to do to help your child, how to approach your child in the course of kick- starting the treatment, who to seek help from, deliverance from any evil spiritual forces that may be responsible for the problem. You will have to pray all through. Don’t stop praying. Pray at every stage of the treatment to the end. 

Chapter 5: Read This: You are a Caretaker Parent

This tip will help you to become a better parent and also help you to be dedicated to the treatment process of the addiction problem your child is having. I want you to read God’s statement in the Bible book of Ezekiel: “And then you took your sons and your daughters, whom you had given birth to as my children, and you killed them, sacrificing them to idols…And you’re a murderer, killing my children…” (Ezekiel 16:20-21) (MSG)(Emphasis mine). In other words, God is saying, “Hey parent, look here, though I allowed you to bring these children into the world, they are not yours but mine”. Most parents are ignorant of this basic fact. In my many years as a classroom teacher, I have counseled and interacted with lots of parents who have not handled issues around their children as caretaker parents. They believe they own these children because they are the parents. This is not so, God owns them and He wants every parent to perform their caretaker role adequately. 

The act of irresponsibility by most parents has led their children into sexual sins. Most teenage addiction problems today could have been prevented if parents have learnt to perform their caretaker roles adequately with great fear for God.

Your job as a parent is to raise children for God; you are not expected to do less. “God desires Godly children” (Malachi 2:15). Some parents’ negative actions have led their children into dangerous addictive habits. Some parents have also failed to swing into action the moment they notice a strange behavior in their children. If your child is addicted to drugs, alcohol or sexual sins, you should understand that God expects you to take actions immediately to help the child. It’s your duty and responsibility; you can’t afford to fail God. 

God wants children that will be raised very well for His use. You should go to work the moment you see your child putting up any strange or ungodly attitude or behavior. You must do this immediately before it becomes a way of life for him or her. 

Note: The treatment of this topic and other related topics on addiction was extensively done in the second edition of my book, You Can Stop Masturbation…and end any addiction problems. This book has helped lots of users since it was first published. You can read a comment from a user of the first edition: “I have just read your book, How to Stop Masturbation By Reading a Simple Story as I am currently struggling with Dopamine addiction. The book was of great interest to me and I liked the story you gave to help people. I’ll certainly try the techniques you advised” (Anonymous). Visit  

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It is also available on all major estores.

Chapter 6: You Need the Skill to Initiate a Chat with Your Child

One of the training courses of our school teachers’ seminar is called ‘Friendship Tutoring’. The simple idea behind this course is this: “Any difficult child can become eager to learn and use your advice or teachings if he or she sees and recognizes you as a friend”

Most parents who have children who have addiction issues or who are demonstrating difficult attitude have missed this. In the course of trying to help their children, they approach him or her as ‘enemies’. These children will not see a friend trying to help but an ‘enemy’ who is ready to destroy them. This introduces an ‘I – am – not – learning’ barrier in their hearts and the children, instead of learning and using the parents’ advice, rebel against it instead!

If you found out that your child is into any dangerous addictive habit, you should first of all pray to God to help you as you begin series of chats with him or her. You should then make up your mind to start and use your various treatment chats as a friend. You should remember that it is likely your child’s behavior might have originated from your own careless behavior. This was the reason for the second tip in chapter 3.

Jesus used friendship tutoring all through His stay with His disciples. He even showed this with His statement in John 15: 15: “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is ding, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my Father I have made known to you”.  The disciples learnt so much from Him and became better people until they were ready to continue the good works of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 7: Seek Help

The best help you can get is the one God will give you through His Spirit. Jesus says “When the Holy Spirit, who is truth, comes, He shall guide you into all truth” (John 16:13) (TLB). Isaiah wrote, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19). He is the best help giver, you will get His unfailing help if you pray throughout all the treatment periods and find useful time to study His Word as we have it in the Bible.

God can also send human or material help along your way. You can be led to see experts who will truly and faithfully help you and your child. There are also material resources that can be of great use to you and your child.

Chapter 8: What is Your Resistance Like?

From observation, I have discovered four types of resistances a parent can demonstrate towards a difficult child or a child who has embraced a dangerous addictive habit. They are Strong Resistance, Soft Resistance, Angry Resistance, and No- Resistance. Out of all these; a strong resistance is the most appropriate to a child who is into addiction.

With a strong resistance, a parent clearly and consistently shows his or her disapproval for their child’s behavior without putting up unfriendly acts that can ‘destroy’ the child. Your friendship approach (as I taught earlier) should not show any sign of tolerance for the addictive habit. A Strong resistance also includes praying over the issue at every stage of the treatment. Jesus severally used this type of resistance to stop His disciples (especially Peter) from acting contrary to God’s laid-down plans for His life and their lives. He also prayed for them as the Bible showed in, “Simon, Simon! Indeed satan Has asked for you, but I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren”. (Luke 22:31-34).

A Soft Resistance is an inconsistent and a confusing resistance which a parent can show towards the child’s behavior. With this, the parent only talks about it once or twice with the child and fail to monitor the treatment. Some parents with this type of resistance will also not have solid, straight-forward and effective plans on ground to help the child. This gets the child more confused and more into the addiction problem. 

Here, we also have parents who are also deeply into one or more negative habits which the children know of. Therefore, this situation makes them less confident to correct their children. They become inconsistent in their efforts to help their children. A good example of this can be the role parent Solomon, Israel’s Old testament King played over son Rehoboam. The Bible says this of Solomon: “When Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David” (1 Kings 11:4). He failed to raise a good child in Rehoboam. Rehoboam, when he became King acted foolishly (1 King 12:8) and his kingdom got torn apart by God.

An Angry Resistance is an unfriendly reaction towards the child. This is destructive most times.  It usually doesn’t bring results. 

A No-Resistance approach is the worst of all. The parent is not just interested in helping the child. He or she looks away even when it becomes glaring that the child is into dangerous addictive habits. The Bible shows Eli the priest practiced this. It is not recorded that he took constructive actions to help his children, instead, he looked away most times (1 Samuel 3:13) and called God’s bluff (1 Samuel 3: 18).

As a parent, you must master the use of a strong resistance. You must be willing, prayerful, consistent and friendly in your efforts to help your child out of the addictive habit.

Chapter 9: How to stop teenage addiction problems: Parablic Therapy

Jesus used stories extensively to pass across important messages to His audience. The Bible calls these stories, parables. It was very glaring that these parables had great effects on the audience then as they are still having on us today. I have also witnessed the effectiveness of story-telling when I taught in the classroom as a teacher.  I have also used stories to start most of the Success Laboratory Seminars that we have organized. We also have a Success Laboratory Audio series where we use short stories to describe Biblical solutions to practical problems or teach Bible concepts.   

Parents can use the platform of stories to gain attention and pass across important information to their children during the treatment process. You can tell your own story if you have had to win a battle over any addiction problem. You can also tell the story of any other you know if it won’t embarrass the person in the presence of your child. You can use the story but hide the identity of the personality involved. You can also print a real – life story from the internet and read it together with your child.

Stories are good; they will really help during the treatment process. There is an interesting story that can be useful to you and your child in my book, You Can Stop Masturbation…and any addiction by reading stories and charts. It is available on all major estores. You can also visit

You can also contact us at WhatsApp 08034300979 if you can’t buy directly on Amazon.

Chapter 10: Teach Your Child Self-Control

Self-control is the quality that allows you to stop yourself from doing things you want to do but that might not be in your best interest. Self-Control is a fruit of the Spirit as described in Galatians 5:22,  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Emphasis mine). The good thing is that parents can begin to teach their children self-control. Children must understand that nothing in life, apart from doing the will of God, is important to lord its rule over them against their will. They should be made to understand that they have the right to say yes or no to any issue they feel will not bring them any profit or harm them, Children should know that before they can accomplish their goals and reach great heights in life, they are to deny themselves of several comforts and pleasure. 

Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinthians, “In a race, everyone runs but only one person gets first prize. So run your race to win. To win the contest you must deny yourselves many things that would keep you from doing your best” (1 Corinthians 9: 24 – 25)(TLB) Athletes who win gold medal  at the Olympics deny themselves lots of comfort and pleasures in order to be Olympic Champions. Your child can learn to stop the urge of sex from making them go into illicit sexual relationships or behaviors. They can say no to bad friends who want to introduce them to bad habits. They can draw up great courage and strength to put a stop to any addiction problem.

A teenager who learns consistently and applies self-control over illicit sexual behaviors or over any other dangerous addictive habit has succeeded in setting up a great future ahead of himself or herself. He or she will reap the benefit in so many other areas of life when he or she must have become an adult. 

Parents must deliberately put up a conscious and deliberate program in place to impart this value into their children. It is a useful value and I believe it is one that can keep a child away from addiction problems or stop any who has embraced dangerous addictive habits or substances 

Chapter 11: Encourage Your Child in the Way of the Lord

Parents must understand that it is safe to train up their children in the way of the Lord. The Bible commands this: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). It is not just enough to impart moral values unto children. Christian values are of paramount importance. Under intensive pressure, spirituality takes over from wherever morality will stop. Sometimes, it appears the training is not showing results, keep at it, it is working. Spiritual things, sometimes, are like that. Most of the work progress appear hidden to the eyes until the period they will begin to show physically. 

Joseph, the Hebrew and the second to the last son of Jacob, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers, had good spiritual training under his father, Jacob. The effect of this showed clearly when he came under intense devilish pressure when he was a slave in Egypt. He refused to go into sexual sins with the wife of his master. Under pressure, he said to his master’s wife, “There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). The prodigal son in the story Jesus told in (Luke 15: 17 -18) is another example. He made a mistake by wasting his inheritance with riotous living but his strong spiritual background came to the fore when he thought out a righteous decision for himself to return to his father.  

My dear parent, there is no substitute to giving good, Godly and Christian training to your children right from their early years. The Bible says they won’t depart from it when they grow old. I have seen teenagers who, despite the pressures of bad friends around them, have refused to join their friends in careless living. Checks into the family background of such children have usually shown the presence of a sound Christian training right from their childhood days. 

If your teenager child has not had the opportunity to have this type of training and is presently having addiction problems, it is still not late to start imparting the training. You may have to exercise lots of patience and understanding as you begin to encourage him or her to read the Bible, pray for five or ten minutes per day, read good Christian books, pray with you regularly, read Christian tracts and stories. You should ensure you prayerfully begin to introduce the above practice to him or her even as you take the steps to treat his or her addiction problems.

Chapter 12: Observation 101

 This is a task every parent must be involved in. Part of your parenting duties is to constantly be on the observation watch over your children. Addiction can’t be diagnosed through any blood test or urine test; only behavioral symptoms can be used. This is the reason why parents must learn to observe their children for changes in their attitudes and behaviors. I used this effectively during my active days as a classroom teacher. During lectures, I was always on the lookout observing the mood of each of my students during lessons. If I notice any strange behaviors I move close to the child and ask what the problem was. Sometimes, I would arrange a meeting with the students after the class. Jesus advises us to “watch and pray” (Matthew 24:42). Even the most prayerful Christian parent or guardian will not really get the best results if he or she refuses to sharpen and use his or her observation skills adequately.

As a parent, you must be interested in everything that goes on in your home even if sometimes you have to observe your child out of sight. A watchful mother allowed her daughter the freedom to invite her friends for her birthday party and stood at the background observing the types of friends her child invited, the type of music they played and the type of dance steps they displayed during the party. The following morning she had compiled a full report of all that took place and showed her daughter. Her daughter was surprised at the details of the report. She used the opportunity to pass useful advice to her daughter.

This is the 21st century; a period when information are gathered and used at the snap of a finger, parents can’t afford not to sharpen their observation skills. You should be on the lookout for the following signs when you observe your teenage child:

  1. Alcohol, smoke or other odors on your child’s breath or clothing. 2. Changes in the choice of friends. 3. Frequent arguments, sudden mood changes and unexplained violent actions. 4. Sudden weight gain or loss. 5. School problems such as declining or failing grades, poor attendance and recent discipline problems. 6. Delinquent behaviors 7.Depressed mood. 8. Suicide attempts.

Survey results show that “86% of American high school students said that some class mates drink, use drugs and smoke during school day. 44 % of high school students knew students who sold drugs like marijuana, cocaine and their likes at their schools. 52% of high school students said that there was a place on school ground or near school where .students can go to use drugs. Now the dangerous part of this is that 36% said that it was easy for students to use drugs, drink or smoke during the school day without getting caught.”1.  

Our schools are no longer safe again. Parents can’t rely on television either. Television has gone on a downhill plunge over the decades. Most of the programmes and movies with good moral contents are disappearing and sexually explicit programmes have taken over. According to an insightful article, “Well over half of American movies produced have been rated R, meaning that even the rating board felt their content is sexual, violent or profane that children under 17 should not be allowed to view them without a parent”2.

Most of these progarmmes are now on Cable TV. Lots of households (and teenagers) now have access to Cable. In my family, I take interest in everything, even issues that have to do with my adult wife. It is my God-given responsibility. I am always on the watch spiritually and physically.

Parents and the families must come alive to their responsibilities. Our teenagers need lots of Godly help from the home channel.

Chapter 13: Allow a Loving and Friendly Atmosphere

I hope you have enjoyed this short guide and I hope you have been educated on how you can begin to help your child to solve his or her addiction problems. Please ensure you put these solution nuggets to use with so much love and care. If you allow a loving environment and atmosphere, it will go a long way to help the treatment process. 

Don’t ever lose hope on your child, God can restore him or her. If you are getting tired or discouraged, please go on your knees and pray to God to help you, He will surely help you. You can also send an email to me at so that I can pray along with you. 

Thank you so much for reading this ebook guide. 

Chapter 14: Please Read This: You Can check out You Can Stop Masturbation…And End Any Addiction by reading simple stories and charts

Have you struggled without end to put a stop to masturbation and any form of addiction? Do you really want a complete Christian guide that uses simple stories and simple charts to describe step by step methods to put a stop to masturbation or any addiction problem? This practical Christian book will be of great use to you as it has been to many others online.

Due to readers’ positive reactions to the story-telling and chart-illustration strategies used in the first edition of this book to provide simple steps to solve the problem of masturbation, Author, Sesan Oguntade produced a bigger edition which consist of several readers’ reactions, more charts illustrations, 13 Christian notes for parents on solving teenage addiction problems and a book bonus: a Podcast which relates the popular story-illustration in the book.

Christians and anyone who really desires to stop masturbation or any addiction problem should not pass up the opportunity to download this book immediately. Please visit 

You can also contact us at WhatsApp 08034300979 if you can’t buy directly on Amazon.

The Ultimate Decision

“For with the heart man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10). If you have not known Jesus but you have enjoyed the success principles described in this book and you want to give your life to Jesus so that these principles can start working in your life, you can say the following in prayer:

“Father in heaven, forgive my sinful past. I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins and His shed blood has wiped away my sins. I believe He is the Son of the Living God. I accept Him as my Lord and Savior. I want Him to begin to rule in my life as from now on. I believe I am saved. Thank you God for hearing my prayer”.

Congratulations! This is going to be the greatest decision you will ever take. Congratulations once again! Now begin to enjoy Christ unlimited and good success will never elude you again. Please let me read from you about your experience or how this book has helped you. 


About The Author

 Sesan Ogunotade is an insightful teacher of the word, bible success researcher, Success Motivator and author of many books amongst which is the popular “Jesus and Your Success” (available free at He believes that the solution to ANY problem lies in the WORD of GOD. His central message to the world is “without Jesus, you cannot succeed” (John 15:5b).

He presides over Success Christian Home, headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria, a Christian organization with the vision of raising problem solvers in the society. He is also the founder of The Success Laboratory International Seminars, a platform where pure bible principles that solve practical societal problems are taught. You can add him on Facebook: You can follow him on twitter, @SesanOguntade

He is married to Olutoke Success Oguntade and they are blessed with children.

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Discover other titles by Sesan Ogunotade

52 Bible Secrets for Your Business Success

You Can Stop Masturbation

How to Overcome Worry and Anxiety

You Can Be Rich Solving Problems

How I Overcame Violent Anger


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