How to make inquiries of the Lord - Christian Personal Development

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The theme of my new book is How to make inquiries of the Lord. An insightful book that shows you practical ways you can seek God to find answers or solution to your problems.

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How to make inquiries of the Lord: Read first chapter

I will sharing one of the chapters of this new book, 5 Benefits of making inquiries of God, in this post and I want you to enjoy it. Most importantly, you should go ahead to get a copy and recommend it to others.

In this chapter, I showed you why problems of many people persist despite their efforts to get a solution. It is the chapter of the book – the chapter after the interesting and unusual introduction the Spirit of God helped me to give to the book.

Chapter 1: Why that naughty problem persist

How to make inquiries of the Lord

You are welcome to this chapter. Thank you for making it to this chapter. Now, let us get into the business of this chapter immediately. 

I have encountered many situations with people over the years during our many counseling periods and through our ministry activities. Different people with different problems that have defied solutions for many years.

From observation and from what the Spirit of God has inspired me with over the years, I have observed that most of the problems in the lives of these people were caused by the inability of these people to ask God for directions before they took major decisions in their lives.

Are you surprised to read that? Please don’t be surprised, it is a fact and it came from my personal experiences over the years. 

Another important fact

I want you to read another fact below:

I also observed that their inability to inquire of the Lord for solutions to their problems is the main reason why the problem has remained unsolved in their lives. Instead of approaching God and His Word to find solutions, they approach the wrong source or act according to their own will. 

But the Word of God says in Proverbs 3:5-7

[5]Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;

[6]In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

[7]Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

Spiritual problems need divine solutions 

Many spiritual problems will only answer to spiritual or divine solutions. This implies that only God and His Word will help you to solve the stubborn problems. You can’t get this very important help if you don’t approach God to inquire of Him for the solution to your problem.

I have helped myself to master this practice over the years. The Spirit of God helped me all the way. One thing that I have observed about God’s Spirit is that He keeps the information or revelation flowing to people who consider Him important to ask Him for a solution or the reason for their problems. God’s Spirit is not stingy with information or revelation!

I don’t take major decisions without consulting God. If I don’t get a revelation or an answer immediately, I keep up the asking and inquiries. This practice has helped me not to make careless mistakes and also to solve some naughty issues in my life. 

The problem of childlessness 

The problem of childlessness was broken or solved in my life and family through this practice. I got married to my wife and we stayed childless after 4 years. We kept on the search and waiting on the Lord all these years. 

He did not disappoint as He showed us the real issues behind our problems. We applied the solution He provided and the problem was destroyed permanently. All glory to God.

This may just be one of the reasons why you have not received a miracle over that naughty problem. You have failed to see God as the One who is able and ready to help you. You have not asked Him for help!

I am not going to end this chapter without showing the following Bible passages. Just before that, I want to ask you some important questions that will help you internalize the contents or revelation from these Bible passages.

If you work for a very wealthy man and on your first day at work, your wealthy Boss informs you that you should be free to ask him for help, guidance and support anytime you need one to make your stay in his company’s a successful one? 

Now, what will you do when, during the course of your work in the company, you encounter a problem? 

I strongly believe you will remember the information he passed across to you and you will run to him for instructions and for his help. I also believe you will stay with him and around him or wait on him until he provides the needed information you require to solve the problem.

It will be foolishness on your part  to lean on your own strength when you have someone who has a superior strength and who is ready to use that strength to help you solve your problem. 

Likewise, God is the Creator and owner of the whole earth and He is your Boss. I believe you still remember the way I started this book. Now look at the Bible passages I talked about below: 

Matthew 7:7-11

[7]“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

[8]For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

[9]Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?

[10]Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?

[11]If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Jeremiah 33:3

[3]‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

The Creator of the earth and you. The One who is your Boss is saying to you that you should approach and ask Him for a solution to your problems. He has superior strength. 

The Bible says the mighty hand of God is strong (Psalm 89). The Bible says He is your helper and a present help in the times of trouble.

So don’t allow that naughty problem to persist and remain there. Approach God for a solution. He will surely respond if you ask in faith. 

Thank you once again for reading this so far. Please join me in the next chapter to look at what it meant to inquire of the Lord.

To learn more about 5 Benefits of Making Inquiries of the Lord and to understand how to seek God to find Him and to get directions, please gain access to this book today.

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