How To Make Him Afraid Of Losing Your Love: 7 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted - Olubunmi Mabel

Love is not just about the butterflies in the belly and those mushy emotions.

It is also a decision to remain committed even when the butterflies don’t flutter.

I remember when I was a little younger, I was left with a baby, and my main job was to keep the baby so amused that he didn’t notice his mother’s absence.

If he had noticed his mother’s absence, he would have cried inconsolably until his mother returned.

The fact is that many people in love are just like that baby.

They need to be kept enthralled; otherwise, they will lose their love for you and move on to the next interesting person.

Have you ever felt that slight twinge of panic when you think about your relationship?

Do you spend time wondering about how to keep the spark alive in your relationship?

Do you want to make him afraid of losing your love?

If this is you, you are in the right place.

In this article, we will explore some useful strategies for making him afraid of losing your love.

A brief disclaimer, though.

This article isn’t about how to scare him into loving him.

Instead, it’s more about showing him how special and important your love is to his life.

Let’s get started!

1. Be yourself

How to Make Him Afraid of Losing Your Love: 10 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted

In life, your first principle should be to be true to yourself.

What better way is there to do this than being yourself around the man you love?

Many people make the mistake of trying to be someone else when they are with the people they love.

And this is actually caused by low self-esteem.

People who do this believe that no one else can love them as they are.

So, they try to be the type of person they think their partner would love.

The fact is that some men can tell when someone is pretending to be someone else.

It takes a toll on you and the relationship because even the best actors often need to take a break from being someone else.

If you want to make him afraid of losing your love, you must be genuine to yourself.

Be authentic.

When a man sees how comfortable you are in your own skin, it enchants him.

Authenticity is becoming an increasingly rare attribute, and it is refreshing to see someone who is authentic.

However, you shouldn’t make this as advice against self-improvement.

If there is one constant in life, it is change, and that change should be for the better.

If you are being authentic, you should also aim to be the best version of yourself.

Being yourself shouldn’t be an excuse for exhibiting bad behaviors.

2. Communicate effectively

Dear woman, men are not mind readers.

Sometimes, your looks or facial expressions don’t pass the message across.

Communicate with him!

Healthy communication is a basic and vital part of any relationship.

It helps you build intimacy with your partner.

A special connection exists between you and anyone with whom you share intimate details about yourself.

Share your thoughts, feelings, and opinions openly with him.

Express yourself.

If you keep yourself locked up just to maintain an air of mystery, you may end up becoming actual strangers.

Tell him about your dreams and goals while also encouraging him to share his with you.

You are building a connection with him, and fast becoming his confidant.

He wouldn’t want to lose your love…

3. Respect his space

How to Make Him Afraid of Losing Your Love: 7 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted

Everyone deserves to have some alone time.

I understand that when you fall in love with someone, you may want to spend all your time with him.

I have felt that way too.

Don’t give in to that urge.

It’s a trap.

You can’t always hang around him and continue to expect him to see you the same way.

This is one mistake a lot of people make.

There was this lady I used to like.

In fact, I actually felt like I was in love with her.

She felt the same way and always wanted to spend time with me or talk with me on long calls.

In the beginning, it was fine until it wasn’t.

She was spending so much time around me and on calls that I hardly had any time for myself.

I had work to do, tests to prepare for, and a bunch of other things, yet this lady wasn’t giving me the space to do those things.

If I didn’t pick up a call, she would say I was treating her badly.

Visiting was another issue.

She would stay for long hours and attempt to distract me so much that I wanted to ask her if she had nothing to do with her time.

It got to a point that I was so sure that I didn’t like her.

I didn’t want her around me anymore.

If you want a man to value your love, you may need to give him space from time to time.

Do something else with your time.

Focus on yourself and spend some alone time reflecting on your life.

Get involved in other activities that matter to you.

The fact that you give him space regularly is a healthy way to build a relationship.

When a man sees how easily you can respect his desire for space, he will appreciate you even more.

4. Be independent

How to Make Him Afraid of Losing Your Love: 7 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted

It shouldn’t always be about respecting his boundaries and space.

Sometimes, you need space for yourself.

You need space to focus on yourself and improve yourself.

You need space to do other things you love.

Your life shouldn’t revolve around him.

Even married women don’t center their lives around their husbands.

You have other things you should be doing.

Get them done.

Learn that skill, get that job, volunteer, have fun with other friends, and, of course, get a hobby.

Men are becoming increasingly fascinated by independent women; you can be one of them, too.

All you need is to do the things you love to do.

The fact that you live a purposeful life of your own will make him value your love even more.

5. Be supportive

How to Make Him Afraid of Losing Your Love: 7 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted

Having someone you can call when you are down is such a flex.

It is one of the least talked about aspects of the relationship that I love to emphasize.

Many young people want to be in relationships because of those butterflies fluttering in their bellies.

Yet, they don’t know the responsibilities involved.

Love is not just about holding hands and saying mushy things to each other.

It’s also about having a reliable support system in place.

You have someone that you know you can surely count on.

Many men grow up learning to only rely on themselves.

So, it’s a refreshing surprise when they get into a relationship and realize that they don’t always need to rely on themselves.

Being supportive is a good way to get a man to value your love for him.

Let him know he can talk to you about anything.

Don’t just wait for him to express himself.

Waiting for some men to express themselves is similar to waiting for an earthshaking miracle.

You need to proactively ensure that he knows you are there for him.

You are there to stand by him through thick and thin.

You are his biggest cheerleader, and celebrate every one of his wins like yours.

Your unwavering support for him would make him realize what a gem you are and how lucky he is to have you in his life.

6. Appreciate him

How to Make Him Afraid of Losing Your Love: 7 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted

I know you want to learn how to make him afraid of losing your love and appreciation, but that doesn’t seem like a way to make anyone afraid.

Just stay with me…

The fact remains that there is no place for fear in love.

No one truly loves you because they are afraid.

However, you can make someone value your love so much that they never want to lose it.

This is what you are attempting to achieve by being appreciative.

Appreciation is a way of reminding him of how much you value him.

It shows that you recognize his efforts in the relationship and don’t take them for granted.

Appreciation is a way of motivating someone who has done something good to continue doing it.

Love flourishes when couples know how to appreciate each other.

By appreciating him, you are also making him realize the need to reciprocate.

When he appreciates you, he realizes how valuable you really are to him, and he won’t want to lose your love.

7. Keep the spark alive

How to Make Him Afraid of Losing Your Love: 7 Strategies To Keep Him Devoted

I have seen people say that people only realize the importance of something when it is absent.

They usually relate this to relationships while encouraging couples to go incommunicado with each other.

This is wrong.

Inasmuch as I have recommended space and some alone time, keep the spark alive in your relationship.

Don’t let the passion and intimacy in your relationship diminish.

Keep on fueling it through spontaneous romantic gestures.

No matter how small, a romantic gesture can go a long way toward keeping the spark alive in a relationship.

Being romantic is not the duty of the man.

It is everyone’s duty in the relationship.

Take the initiative sometimes.

A heartfelt note, a date night, movies at the cinema, a picnic, or even a stroll in the park…

Initiate something just to show how much you love him.

Doing this will keep the spark alive and show him that the love isn’t a one-sided affair.

Remember that the goal is not to create fear but to motivate a deep appreciation and love for each other.

Love is beautiful when you find the right person who values and loves you just as you do.


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