How to Be Still With God: A Powerful Exercise to Connect with Jesus

Julie Ademe shares how to be still with God and an exercise to connect with Jesus.

Closing my eyes, I breathe deeply. The days have been long, and I’m worn out.

Facing another day on dialysis seems daunting. The additional “things” that need doing are an added weight.

I prefer to start my days by being still with Jesus, enjoying His companionship, turning off the noise, and praying. But on days like today, when I’m not feeling well, cranky, and overwhelmed by my “to-do’s,” I’d rather sulk.

It seems easier to avoid my feelings and jump straight into the tasks ahead instead of being still and praying.

But here I am, trying to be still and quiet my mind. I know it will help my attitude if I start my day in the presence of Jesus, sharing with Him what’s on my heart.

When I do, my days are better. I’m less anxious, and I experience a calmness in my spirit, which can only be attributed to the presence of Jesus.

So, I close my eyes, breathe deeply again, and pray,

“Lord, show me You are with me today. My heart knows You are near, but my eyes need to see You.” 

I need confirmation that Matthew 28:20 NLT is true. “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Opening my eyes, I am surprised to see three pairs of swans gliding across the water. They leave the tiniest of wakes behind them on the glassy water.

Jesus, is that You? What is it You trying to show me?” 

In the stillness, I sense Him saying, “I am here, my daughter. Come, sit with me.”

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Be Still With God

This morning’s conversation with God reminded me how challenging it is to be still with God when my mind is focused elsewhere.

Do you struggle to be still in Jesus’ presence, to silence the noise and stop moving?

It’s challenging for me in the best of circumstances.

There’s always something vying for my attention: phone calls, texts, social media, cleaning, groceries, laundry—the list could go on.

Your list may be filled with kids’ activities, making breakfast, and getting everyone out the door for school. Maybe you are experiencing a challenging season, medical or not, and find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.  Or perhaps you are retired, learning a new rhythm, and haven’t quite found your way.

It’s not easy in our busy lives to find the space to quiet our minds and be still in the presence of Jesus. And it’s more challenging when our circumstances are difficult.

But the Lord has been teaching me it is essential for my mental, physical, and spiritual well-being to find a way to slow everything down, even if it’s just for a few moments each day.

Making room for stillness creates an opportunity to recalibrate the heart and mind, remembering who God is and who we are as His children.

As we make space to be still with Jesus, our faith is activated, declaring our hope and trust in Him.

The Benefits of Being Still with God

Learning how to be still with God makes space in our hearts to receive His love.

In stillness, we learn to:

  • Release the cares of our day into His capable hands.
  • Refresh our memory on who He is and who we are in Him.
  • Hear His voice.
  • Accept His wisdom, strength, and comfort.
  • Remember, He loves us, and He is with us.
  • Trust Him and stay closely connected to Him.
  • Recognize His presence in our day.
  • Live by faith.

Stillness sounds so easy to achieve on paper, but you and I know our fickle minds tend to wander and lose focus abruptly.

We live in a digital age where we get results at light speed and are frustrated when the internet is slow.

So, how do you slow down enough each day to reconnect and stay close to the God who loves us?

How to Be Still With God 

There are many facets to slowing down and being still. And, as your life and circumstances change, the practice of being still will evolve.

But what is consistent is that it takes perseverance and endurance to create and maintain space in your schedule to be in the Lord’s presence. The benefits are well worth it.

Like me, you may find physically ‘being still’ challenging in certain seasons of life.

The practice of being still can also be done by walking in a quiet place outdoors, like a forest preserve or, in my case, paddling on the lake.

As you begin incorporating stillness with Jesus into your life, be patient and give yourself grace.

New spiritual rhythms take time to become part of the fabric of your daily life.

This is about being with Jesus—no agenda, enjoying His presence and companionship. Brother Lawrence calls it “practicing the presence of God,” and others have called it “with-ness.”

Before you begin, I want to mention that you shouldn’t be surprised if your mind starts to run. It takes time and patience to quiet a mind that’s not used to stillness.

To help I often pray, “I desire to be with You, Lord. Help me quiet my mind.”

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An Exercise on How to Be Still with God:

  • Find a quiet place away from others.
  • Have a notepad handy for any thoughts or to-do’s that run through your mind.
  • Start small. Set a timer for 5 minutes, then put your phone out of reach
  • Take a few deep breaths and open your hands in a posture of surrender.
  • Relax your shoulders, releasing the tension you are carrying
  • Tell Jesus you are here and desire to be with Him
  • Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to quiet your mind.
  • Then be still.
  • Imagine sitting together on a bench or a blanket in a meadow.
  • Pay attention to any out-of-the-ordinary thoughts.
  • When the timer goes off, write down any impressions and out-of-the-ordinary thoughts.
  • End your time with praise.
  • Finally, ask Him to make you more aware of His presence in your day.

By pausing long enough daily, you reconnect with the God who loves you passionately and delights in time together.

How to Be Still with God and Find Companionship

Back to the swans that morning. Did you know swans pair up for life? A mated pair has a close companionship that lasts until its mate dies.

I often see swans in the spring, swimming close together, never drifting too far apart.

When I opened my eyes that morning and saw the three pairs gliding across the water, God reminded me that I am paired with Him for life, here in the now, and for eternity.

Romans 8:39 assures us nothing can separate us from God’s love and presence. We are companions for life.

That day, I felt the Lord say to me,

“Stick close by me, my daughter. As you join me in the quiet, you delight my soul.”

Jesus never steps away from our side.

While I was awaiting a kidney transplant, I found daily stillness with Jesus to be transformational.

As I surrendered my self-sufficiency, my thoughts were less likely to run down the rabbit trail of “what ifs.”

But most of all, it helped me remember I was not alone. Jesus was, and still is, at my side. He delights in spending time with me, and I delight in spending time with him.

I hope and pray that you will come to enjoy daily moments of stillness in the companionship of the Lord.

Jesus, we welcome time with you but find it difficult to make space in our lives. Help us to be intentional about enjoying time in your presence each day. Amen.

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Julie Ademe

Julie is a Bible teacher, blogger, speaker, author of Reclaiming Christmas Joy: 25 Days of Refreshment with Jesus, and featured contributor in Life Changing Stories. Her first Bible Study, Growing in the Presence of Jesus: A Study of the Book of Hebrews, is set to be released in the Fall of 2024. You can learn more about Julie and her books at


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Mary Rooney Armand

Mary Rooney Armand is an Author, Speaker, and Creator of the faith-based blog Mary has contributed to Woman of Noble Character, Pray with Confidence, Sunday God Meets Monday Mom, Steady On, The Brave Women Series, and other sites. Mary is the author of the Bible Study, “Identity, Understanding, and Accepting Who I Am in Christ” and the devotional “Life Changing Stories”, a collaboration with 34 authors sharing stories of God’s faithfulness. Mary leads small groups and speaks at events. She directed Kids Hope USA, a mentoring program for children, worked in marketing and sales and has led mission trips to Honduras. She is a life coach with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and an MBA. Connect with Mary on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.