Help! I Hate Pictures of Myself: What to Do if this Is You

(Photo: Unsplash)

I’ve had many women reach out to me over the years with this sentiment, “Help! I hate pictures of myself!” Today’s episode of the podcast is dedicated to you. Let’s talk through why we hate to see ourselves in pictures, what’s really going on in our heads, and what’s really going on in our lives when we get our pictures taken.

Today, we talk through why pictures of ourselves can be so triggering, how BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) is stirred by photographs, and what we can do if we are afraid of getting our picture taken because we know we’ll hate it. Heather shares from her own experience of struggling with how she looks in pictures and what she’s learned about making peace with photos of ourselves.

Today’s show also talks about what to do with vacation photos. If you don’t like how you look in pictures, how to navigate getting your photo taken without letting it ruin your summer vacation!

We also talk about some fascinating research about how and where we derive our self concept and how we are trained to look for others’ approval of us and what happens if we don’t see that approval on others’ faces.

There are lots of great tips in today’s episode for everyone who struggles with body image issues and seeing themselves in pictures and longs for freedom!

If You Hate Pictures and Selfies, Maybe Coaching is Right for you?

Are you ready for Christian body image coaching? Check out: for more information.

what to do if you hate how you look in pictures hate how I look in pictures

Today’s episode is sponsored by Classical Conversations. Find out more about this Christian homeschool community by visiting:


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