God’s Favor is Produced by What People Don’t Always See

Everybody is trying to figure out how to be successful. True sucess; however, is being committed to the will of God. Period! Often people see the result of favor without seeing the behind-the-scenes of how that favor from God has been produced.

Mary Mary had a song, back in the day, called, “It’s the God in Me.” The lyrics go like the below:

“You think I’m so fresh. You think I’m so clean. You think I’m so sweet. It’s the God in me. What is it you think you see? It’s the God in me.”

The lyrics were pointing to the idea that it really isn’t about the person. Some people don’t have it and others don’t. It’s a thing of surrendering to Christ. It’s surrendering to reflecting God’s image in the earth. This is one of the main purposes of mankind, as mentioned in Genesis 2 in the Bible.

Therefore, it’s the things people do not see that produce God’s favor in our lives. Things like fearing the Lord which result in God’s wisdom. Submission to God’s wisdom is a prerequisite for God’s favor.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” – Proverbs 9:10

For whoso findeth me (wisdom) findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the LORD. – Proverbs 8:35

The fear of the Lord produces the wisdom of God in our lives. That is knowing what knowledge to apply to a given situation. Yielding ourselves to the wisdom of God out of fear for the Lord, meaning reverence for the Lord—is what produces that favor in our lives. The next scripture in Proverbs 8 comes from the wisdom chapter where King Solomon describes wisdom as crying out in the streets for the simple to turn in and listen to her following her instruction.

Those who decide to follow her instruction find two things—life and favor. The wisdom of God being enacted in our lives isn’t always so obvious to others. It is practiced in the personal parts of our everyday lives. When we humble ourselves daily to seek the Lord in prayer and reading his word—its wisdom. God’s wisdom.

trusting god

When we decide to practice integrity in secret despite others not knowing or seeing our choice—that is practicing the wisdom of God.  Those who walk in the wisdom of God have a sensitivity that God always sees them and they have to give an account to God for their deeds. Therefore, they make decisions that they believe God would approve of.

God sees this behavior and rewards it with his favor. Joseph was a good example of this. Although, no one would have known that his boss’ wife wanted to sleep with him—he did not oblige the wife’s advance. Instead, he ran knowing that God was watching his actions.

Of course, he ended up suffering because of making the right decision which sometimes happens. We ought to remember that God’s word encourages suffering for righteousness rather than unrighteousness.

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” – 1 Peter 3:14

The suffering that Joseph experienced worked out for his good as it got him promoted with another Pharoah after he’d interpreted the dreams of a baker and the cup-bearer. The baker would later give him a recommendation for promotion with the new Pharoah. We have to remember that suffering; although, long will eventually lead to our promotion.

God brings about the fruit of the Holy Spirit within us while suffering. Things like patience, love joy, peace, kindness, faithfulness, self-control, gentleness and more. The Bible talks about how even Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered. I’m sharing this so you aren’t deceived into believing God has left you or his favor is no longer upon you because of a long season of suffering.

Our experiences with suffering do not determine our worth to God. As a matter of fact—in the scripture where Jesus’ suffering is discussed—It says although he was a son—he learned obedience through what he suffered. That means God still saw Jesus as his son. He still had inheritance rights. One of the main inheritance rights of a son is acceptance from his father. So, like Christ—God still accepts us as his children in our suffering. He is still responsible for us.

Never believe a lie that your worth is diminished in God’s eyes due to your suffering. It’s temporary. Allow the Lord to give you wisdom in your suffering that will result in his favor. Another way to get God’s wisdom is to simply ask him for it.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  – James 1:5

Asking God for wisdom demonstrates humility and trust in God to provide for us. All we have to do is yield to the wisdom God provides and the result will be God’s favor.


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