Day 3: Being Righteous (Bible Tribe Isaiah 1–6) - Denise Pass

Bible Tribe 3

Being Righteous

Good morning, friends! Day Three! Have you every thought about what being righteous really means?

I used to think that if one was a good person, they would go to Heaven. Romans 3:10 kind of put a damper on that. If nothing is good in us, how can we be righteous? Our righteousness is not our own, but freely given by our perfect God. Righteousness is evidence of a relationship with God.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 1-6

Verse of the day is: Isaiah 3:10 “Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.”

Word of the day is: Righteous. It is the Hebrew word: צַדִּיק (tsad-deek).

This word means: “Keeping promises, rightness, right in conduct and character, conformity to an ethical or moral standard, which is God’s Holy standard; to be straight.”

Faithfulness Leads to Fruit

The book of Isaiah is written by the prophet Isaiah. The name Isaiah means Salvation is of the LORD. The prophet Isaiah spoke against the rebellion that God’s people continually exhibited and the salvation of God that was to come in the Messiah. God wanted His people to be an example to others in righteous behavior and faithfulness to their God. He wanted righteous laws for His people, but they could not obey His laws and bore the fruit of their actions.

Being Righteous Means Seeking God

Scripture tells us to seek God first and His righteousness above everything in this world (Matt. 6:33). Matthew 5:6 says that we are to hunger and thirst after righteousness. How do we do that? We hunger after righteousness by hungering after God’s word and believing in God. God has made Christ our righteousness. Much like Abraham’s righteousness was credited to him for just believing, we are made righteous by putting our faith in Christ’s righteousness.

Is there anything separating you from God, friend? Christ’s blood was shed for all of our impurities. We don’t have to be condemned any more. And when we are righteous in our thoughts, word, and deed, by the grace of God, we will bear beautiful fruit for others to also become righteous as they put their faith in Jesus. As Isaiah 32:17 says, “and the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.”


Being righteous in God’s eyes is the opposite of being self-righteous.

Righteousness is not something we can earn by good works.

Being righteous is something we gain as we trust in Christ.

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