An Urgent Plea To Single Moms

Children are under attack in a variety of ways. To all the moms doing it alone raising your children, I know it is not easy.

Please prioritize your children’s overall well-being, including their safety. God bless you in all your efforts to care for and raise your children.

You were never intended to parent alone! It takes two to procreate and at the very least it takes two to raise a child properly.

I’m sorry so many women and some men end up stranded as single parents.

Thankfully, there are trusted relatives and friends who assist in the process when parents are raising their children alone. God’s plan is that a man and woman marry and procreate.

God’s plans are best, but often things sadly don’t pan out according to His design.

Husband and wife are supposed to love each other, be faithful to each other and raise godly offspring. I understand this does not always happen, for a variety of reasons.

Many people make mistakes, including in who they choose to date or marry. Some people have premarital sex and sometimes this results in pregnancy and childbirth.

Some people do things the right way as far as getting married before having sex and children, but they married a spouse who was not good for them and it ended in divorce.

There are many reasons that some people are single parents. Top priority should always be the safety of their children.

There are some women who seem more concerned with having new boyfriends or new husbands than they are concerned about keeping their children safe. Children are owed their parents’ protection.

Countless times, I have heard how certain women have dated men who physically, emotionally, and sexually abused their children. Some mothers refuse to believe the accusations and complaints from their children.

Some mothers have dated or married men who killed their children. Women may not be able to have new boyfriends as soon as they would like. Once someone has children, their children are priority.

If possible, I think it’s a good idea to avoid dating until children are old enough to comprehend things and understand good touch/ bad touch as well as overall better understanding of healthy relationship.

Children understanding what’s appropriate, inappropriate and being able to articulate as well as comprehend what is going on between them and others is really important.

Getting help paying the bills is not more important than the lives of one’s children or their overall well-being.

Times are hard. For many people, it’s hard to pay the bills. It is not more important to have a new man to help pay the bills than it is for children to be safe. The same goes for single fathers who are looking for women.

This is less common where a father is a single parent and looking for a wife or girlfriend. But either way, the safety of his children is more important than bringing a new partner into his life.

Single mothers are sometimes preyed upon.

There are men who are predators who specifically desire single moms so that they can have access to their children. Some women already feel badly that they are single mothers and believe that they are overlooked by men.

It can be very tempting to become involved with men who show interest. But be very careful. Properly vet the people you bring into your children’s lives. Take your time. Have important conversations with your children. Be very receptive to what they have to tell you.

If you are a Christian, you know to pray and seek God’s guidance first. When children are harmed, it often has lifelong negative effects. Friends, it is so worth it to take extra care to protect your children.

Important Bible Verse

The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence. Proverbs 14: 16 NLT


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