Adultery Is Damnable Sin - Divorce Minister

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Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. – I Corinthians 6:9-10, NIV (emphasis added)


To not inherit the kingdom of God is another way of saying not to inherit Heaven. In other words, the Apostle Paul is saying–more or less–such people will be judged (or damned, if you will). He is drawing attention to such behavior as out of place and character for true citizens of God’s Kingdom.

Do you see divorcees in this list?

I don’t.

What I do see in the list is adulterers.*

Furthermore, I notice such behavior has dire eternal consequences. The Apostle Paul does not shy away from naming adultery as a major evil. And he does not shy away from placing these individuals in danger of losing their souls (i.e. not entering God’s kingdom).

In light of this Biblical truth, I suggest true love for someone caught in adultery is to call them to repentance pronto! These verses suggest that if he or she dies in their adulterous sin (unrepentant) then they go to Hell. The danger is present and immanent for the adulterous spouse!

When we focus on avoiding divorce as oppose to confronting adultery, we fail to live as a Biblical people. We fail to treat adultery as the primary threat in this matter. It’s the sin that reveals a heart sold to the Kingdom of this world and not God’s.

True Christian love calls out to those in such bondage and exhorts them to lay aside their allegiance to this world by repenting of their adulterous sin. True Christina love does not minimize the serious nature of adultery. And true Christian love recognizes the choice the sinner made to commit adultery and lays full responsibility for repentance at the feet of the sinner–i.e. the adulterer (NOT the faithful spouse).

Anything less is not Christian love for the adulterer or adulteress.

It is hate for it helps pave the way to the damnation of their souls.

*And I suppose if someone divorced unbiblically that they would fall under the category of adulterer. However, it would not apply to a faithful spouse whose spouse committed adultery against him or her.


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