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Share your life experiences to uplift others, and use your Christian perspective to change the world.

Join a network of like-minded Christian authors and extend your grace to the millions of people who need it.

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    You have simple access with easy-to-use writing experience.

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    Express freely and own your content

    You own the content you publish and have the freedom to openly share your thoughts.

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    Showcase your blog through our network

    You have the opportunity to promote your content to wide readership within Crossmap's diverse network.

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    “Church is my second home as a Christian. Along with my parents, the elders and members of my church were a big part of raising me. I go to church every Sunday, yet I still struggle with my faith. As a writer on Crossmap Blogs, the pieces I produce provide the answers to the problems I have and will continue to have, and I hope they will be useful to others who are looking for the same answers. My mission is to bring the deep truths of Christianity to life as guided by God's wisdom, and I hope that my writing will provide other Christians with enduring guidance from above as they meet the problems of the modern world. So come along with me as we journey into the lovely realm of faith with God.”

    - Kathleen Orenza ( San Francisco, CA)
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    “On that particular day, I felt down for some reason, so I just read articles on Crossmap blogs. Reading the piece of writing astonished me since it provided a solution to one of my problems that I was struggling with for a while. I didn't have high expectations for this, yet the author's generosity in sharing made my thoughts more clear. I had the impression that both God and the answer were nearby. I was convicted with new viewpoints and feel refreshed by even the smallest posts. I could sense the author’s honest desire to spread grace. Thank God.”

    - Chloe Tao (Washington, DC)


  • What is Crossmap?

    Crossmap is a gateway website that serves both the U.S. and international Christian communities. Crossmap Blogs provide a platform for Christians of all denominations to freely express their faith and ideas by leaving an everlasting fragrance of Jesus Christ in people's hearts enabling everyone to enjoy the glory of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

  • What can I share?

    As a Christian we all have a story to tell; feel free to share your life experiences that you believe will make an impact on your readers and strengthen their faith. Don’t know where to start? Begin with your own testimony of how you met the Lord.

  • Is there a fee to publish my content?

    Don’t worry! It is free for everyone to use. Simply create an account and get started right away.

  • Can I grow my audience?

    Yes! We will use all our networks and resources to promote your content by featuring it on Crossmap’s homepage, different Crossmap sections like books and podcasts, social media platforms, and other Crossmap-affiliated brands.

  • Will I have my own domain?

    Every author will have a unique Crossmap domain for the author page, which you may share with your audience or on social media.

  • Can I publish my past work on Crossmap?

    You certainly can! Just email your request to blogs@crossmap.com. We will help you move forward.

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