Where Did the Oil Go? — House of David Ministries

We opened the service with worship and then moved into a time of teaching on sanctification. The core of the message was centered on this verse: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray, seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NKJV).[i] Four simple actions that should represent the life of every Christian set apart unto the Lord.

I have taught this message before, but it resonated differently this time. The congregants were weepy and teary-eyed. It was as if every word was penetrating and washing their hearts.

At the end of the teaching, the pastor handed me the horn of oil and instructed me to anoint several leaders in the congregation. I pulled the plug from the horn, turned it over, and shook it, but nothing came out. Where did the oil go, I thought? I quickly grabbed a small bottle of King’s Oil from my bag and anointed the leaders.

After the service, the pastor and I spoke about the oil. We searched the table where the horn was sitting, but it was dry. We then realized the Lord had performed something both powerful and miraculous. The Lord took the oil as a symbolic offering. But what did it represent?

While eating lunch in another room, one of the elders returned to the sanctuary and approached the altar. She knelt and prayed. Then, immediately as she broke into tears, she felt the hand of God lift her and cradle her in His arms, rocking her back and forth like a little child.

Driving home that afternoon, the Lord told me what had transpired. He said, “These people have sought me with their whole heart. They have desired to know the deeper things hidden in their Hebraic roots, which are of me. I have grafted them back into the root that supports them. It is from this root that the oil of the Holy Spirit flows. And it is from this oil that all the gifts of the spirit operate.”

What the Lord shared with me was significant. In the predominantly Gentile church, we often seek the gifts of the spirit, but the church has rejected and even separated itself from its roots. Because of His grace, we see His gifts in small measure. But the Lord desires to reconnect His bride to her roots so that she may flow in the fullness of all the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. This is the order: the grafting back to the Hebraic root must come first, and then the gifts of the spirit with all signs and wonders will follow.


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