To dislike certain ethnicities is racist; to see Jews as equal is antisemitic

Understand the specialty of Antisemitism

We need to thank Whoopi Goldberg and the many who answered her so well with the renewed realization that Antisemitism is Racism.

Jews are not overprivileged. Just like Asians living in their Diaspora, Jews just work super hard to try and get a handle on the oppression. That’s not privilege—that’s sweat, blood, and tears.

However, there is a good reason not to just call Antisemitism only a form of Racism. It’s an animal with very specific rules since there is no culture or religion like the Jewish one. While all Peoples are unique, some are more special than others. Which doesn’t mean, as adorable as we are, that we’re more worthy than others. To be specific, when G^d calls us the Apple of His Eye, He doesn’t mean He’s going to treat us with favoritism. Instead, He means that He will hold us to a higher standard. But, to make things complicated for starters, when bigots hold Jews to a higher standard, that’s—you guessed it—bigotry. When we Jews live up to our potential we are equal to Gentiles who live up to their potential. (If the latter could live up to the Jewish standard, they are invited to join us Jews.)

‘Race’ is actually culture. We’re all homo sapience sapience: one race. Western racists (Nazis) got obsessed with genetics, build, and skin color. But non-Western racists often don’t care about lineage, only about religious practice, loyalty, and identity.

Considering one ethnicity, one culture better or worse than all others is Racism. No one is completely defined by their background or identity. And among all pastry, you have bad cookies. Don’t discriminate.

Yet, Jews are the only Nation not just based on practice, location, or beliefs. Jews are the only People based on an assignment. And their Divinely ordained task is to be exemplary to all of humanity. To be G^d’s ambassadors on earth, fighting for the good of everyone.

That means that when one says that Jews are just like everyone else, you’re a bigot. You don’t need to look down on Jews to be Antisemitic.

When our parents say they want to be our friends, that’s nice. But we better also respect them as teachers. Totally equalizing them is demeaning them and arrogant of us. When Jews say they want to be everyone’s friends and allies, that’s nice. But Gentiles better also give them respect as their teachers. Totally equalizing them is demeaning them and arrogant. NB: We are not Christians ‘Older brother.’ Too many older brothers in the Hebrew Bible were passed over by younger sibs. We are their parents.

And, the idea that Jews should be no different than Gentiles already implies opposing Jews. As if they should adjust to majority norms, integrate, and assimilate away.

Being against mixed marriages is racist. Two cultures in one couple enrich both partners. But many Jews marrying out helps Jews to die out. It also means going along with self-hatred as if anything non-Jewish would give a personal safe passage out of the Antisemitic danger zone. European and Arab Jews marrying each other is enough marrying out already. And that happens in Israel to an unprecedented degree. Outside of Israel, nowhere do we find such a percentage of Whites marrying non-Whites.

Saying the N-word is racist. It dirties your mouth. But, when discussing Antisemitism, it’s good to list all the stereotypes because part of the oppression of Jews is to deny it.

Bias against homelands can hurt minorities in the Diaspora. Prejudices against Africans (‘primitives,’ ‘hotheads’) devalue Black migrants around the world. Prejudices against Asians (‘mystical people’) dehumanize Asian migrants the world over. But propaganda against Israel hurts Jews in their Diaspora like no other minority. Zionism is to Jews what feminism is to women. Men who ‘like women but not feminists’ show they don’t like women; rather, they like being served. Jews and Gentiles who ‘like Jews but not Zionists’ show they like Jews as long as they feel scared all the time so that they can be manipulated to serve and comfort the Gentile powers to be; but not when they are independent and proud of themselves.

Judaism laid much of the foundation of all Monotheism (One G^d), Science (One Universe), and Democracy (Equality) in the world. That’s why hatred of Jews is the ultimate ungratefulness, throwing mud on Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Einstein, and Herzl. And therefore, the Holocaust doesn’t compare to any other genocide, Armenian included—though they are all horrific.

It seems that Intersectionality was designed to promote Antisemitic. It advocates comparing oppressions and seeing how they are all interwoven. Because Antisemitism is so unique, and because Jews are kept hostage by the top level of societies (and blamed for all ills), it often ends up uniting all oppressed groups against the Jews, the victims of the oldest hatred.

And so, you see there is reason not to just regard Antisemitism as one of the forms of Racism. Jews-oppression is too specific. It’s a special bigotry.


This text was originally published as my personal blog post with the Times of Israel on 2022/07/26, at 12:43 am. Its enormous popularity must have irked someone today, as it stood number two in their top 45 among all the posts they “featured”.

On November 28, 2023, at 3:18 pm, they unpublished the post and attached this note to it: “For reasons likely connected to the current heated up social media period, this old post is causing a stir among antisemites [sic]. Frankly, intentionally or not, the piece smacks of multiple forms of racism and chauvinism, and should have been declined in the first place. We are reverting it to draft – without option to resubmit, even though it’s unlikely to stop spreading because, like stones thrown into the sea, articles continue to ripple long after they are removed.”

How is it that they don’t want to upset Antisemites? They probably mean the old Diaspora panic that when Jews are too proud, they might ’cause’ Antisemitism to surface. Nothing wrong with proud Jews, and let’s not blame the victim. Scarce clothing doesn’t ‘provoke’ rape either.

The post often and clearly protests racism. Since they could not even find one example of racism, they claimed it ‘smacks’ of it. Embarrassing.

Most likely, given their admission of the futility of this removal, is that they don’t want it to spoil their list of Most Popular blog post.

Clearly, they have not yet discovered my post of Apr 17, 2023, 7:21 AM, Are Jews Better?

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