Scripture Challenge: 1 CHRONICLES — “A Heart That Sings”


Even though I’m not a talented singer, I still LOVE to sing, and will do so at the top of my lungs ONLY if I’m sure that I’m the only one left in the house or I am driving alone in my car.

Whether it’s a sappy song that makes you cry or a jubilant song that makes you want to pump your fists and say “YES!”, it’s obvious that music stirs our soul.

Why do we often stifle the song in our heart?  Insecurities?  Past wounds?  Unforgiveness?  Whatever the reason, I know the anecdote–SING!  When my heart is right and my focus is on God, the natural response is worship.  Some would argue that you can worship without singing.  While it is true, I find it hard to fathom that you at the very least would WANT to sing, even if you felt you didn’t have the ability or the confidence to do so.  This verse in I Chronicles 16 is my choice for the Scripture Challenge:


Because David’s heart was full of thanksgiving, what came out of his mouth was a natural outpouring of praise to the only One worthy.

Why is it that we can scream and yell at the excitement of a football game, get animated at a concert, or talk non-stop about our pets and grandchildren, but barely move our lips in praise to the Creator of the universe? The Savior of our souls?!

I know what some of you are saying, and yes–there is a time for quite reflection and reverent worship.  Many of the most intimate times of worship have come when I sensed God’s presence and could do nothing but humble myself in quiet worship.

However, often misunderstood is the notion that Christians are a somber, serious lot with no joy at all.  NOT TRUE!  We are a forgiven, set-free people, and the joy we have comes from deep within.  Joy is not evidenced only by the externals–but by the love, peace and joy that God brings to our hearts, even in times of difficulty.  So, if the Christian life is to be characterized by JOY, then why do we stifle the urge to sing, shout, and proclaim that HE alone is worthy!!?

The life King David is one of glorious highs and crushing lows, yet recognizes very clearly that it is GOD’S PRESENCE that makes all the difference.  David’s excitement in 1 Chronicles comes as he brings the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. They celebrate with “shouts, the sound of the ream’s horn, trumpets, and cymbals, and the playing of harps and lyres.” (Chapter 15, verse 28).  For the Jewish people, this ark represented the very presence of God.

If you’ve read your Bible, you know when Jesus came, He changed everything!

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we now have access to the very presence of God at any time, in any place!  

J. Johnson, author of the book, Enjoying the Presence of God, says it this way,

“Practicing God’s presence moves His companionship beyond church gatherings, before-meal graces and quiet times to infiltrate the ordinary moments of life.  Keeping company with God this way transforms tasks such as building circuit boards into acts of worship because we know at whose feet we sit for the rest of our lives.”

 The apostle Paul said it this way,

“Let the message about the Messiah dwell richly among you, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God.  And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”  Colossians 3:16-17

How about it?  Let’s get this week started off right–a song in your heart will help you get your focus where it should be and your priorities in perspective!



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