Revisiting being a good steward over our singleness - Intercession For A Generation Blog

In my new book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide”, I briefly discuss how the kingdom works differently than the kingdom of this world. In God’s kingdom, once we have been faithful where we are at, we then become promoted to the next level. What does this tell us? Obedience is key.

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:23

The above is a spiritual principal that God has set in place in his kingdom for us to be faithful with what we have be given. Just because we are singles doesn’t mean that we do not have anything to be faithful over. Often, we may have assignments from God that married folk cannot handle due to our capacity.

I just recently got back in town from a certification training for my job where we have to keep our certifications current yearly to continue to provide the best service to our clients. Now, that I am back in town, I have come back to a slew of things that I have to complete such as paying bills, cleaning house, cooking for the week, and checking up on those in my family and friends network, as well as continuing my assignment with Intercession For A Generation, Holy Neck Swirl, and promotion of my book.

The things that singles are assigned to do doesn’t stop. Whatever our assignments from God, we have to remain faithful knowing that our faithfulness will garner us the skills needed to remain faithful in the next level that we will be promoted to by God.

What happens often to singles is we get distracted by what goes on around us. Who is dating who, who isn’t dating at all, and the culture becomes the definer of our lives instead of the assignment that God has entrusted to us. Obedience for singles is key and the lack thereof will surely set us back.

Being a good steward of singleness also requires trust. Trust is a big deal. God has to be able to trust us with what he has given us. A level of trust well attained to allows God to see that we are ready for the next level.

Being thankful in all things is fruit that we trust in God . In all things give thanks the word of God says. A person who is not thankful or content will consistently fell to realize the blessing in what she has. She will constantly try to change her place in life wasting lots of time being a bad example to others and herself.

She becomes stuck, and those who follow her become the same way. We should be so fulfilled in our intimate relationship with Christ, and secondly with what he has called us to do that we don’t even have time to be UN-thankful. The person who doesn’t have time to be UN-thankful will look up to see that her situation has suddenly changed for the better.

We don’t have to be experts as singles, but when we give our hearts to God fully, we will find ourselves faithful, trustworthy, thankful, and promoted to the next level.

For more encouragement for Single Christian Women consider signing up for the book launch event. Click the below picture to register.

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