Making Sense in an Upside Down World - Denise Pass

Making Sense in an Upside Down World

Making Sense In an Upside-Down World

Standing in my kitchen, the phone rang. It was my mom. “Turn on your TV right now! Airplanes are flying into skyscrapers in New York City!” I ran and turned the TV on and then I dropped to my knees and wept and cried out to God. It didn’t seem possible. We all tend to remember where we were and what we were doing when a tragedy of some sort strikes. It is our way of trying to process what just happened. Time tends to stand still in moments like that. Disbelief clouds our vision while we are trying to make sense of a new reality we didn’t want. Making sense in an upside-down world.

I remember where I was and what I felt in the moment when the Challenger space shuttle exploded. And the shock and grief when Ronald Regan was shot. And when there was the discovery of my ex-husband’s betrayal and abuse. There are no words, and seemingly no solace or band-aid that can cover or cure our wounds in those moments. But there is a God Who is able to heal us in those times. What seems impossible to man is possible with God.

As I think about the recent events and strain from the heightened political environment in our country right now, there are a few key principles that help me to see the events of this life through a different lens that helps me to have peace and make sense when the world is upside down.

It’s a Control Issue

Things happening out of our control in an unstable and uncertain world can leave us feeling particularly vulnerable and frightened. Perhaps this is part of the problem. What are we expecting from a fallen world?

The world has been upside down for a long time— since the beginning when man chose his way over God’s. But somehow we adapt to the culture around us and then are shocked when really crazy things happen. Of course, it is good that we care. That we don’t just become complacent and accept when things are wrong. But what we often can lose sight of is the fact that this world was never in our control, but it has always been in God’s.

This is not just a nice-sounding statement. It is a reality. But why would God allow out of control things to happen? He has given mankind free will. But this does not mean God has no control. This leads me to the next principle that brings peace that lasts.

God’s Sovereignty Trumps Man’s Inconstancy

No matter how bad things get down here, God miraculously still works His will out. And His ways and will are perfect. We don’t have to ride the rollercoaster our culture is perpetually on. We can trust God at all times because He is good and His character never changes.

Our Prayers are Powerful

We don’t have to jump on the train of fear or panic. But that does not mean that we don’t care, either. We can do our part. Our prayers are part of how God works in this world. As it says in James 5:16 “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

Friends, whatever side of the fence you are on in the many dramas of mankind, God is inviting you and I to pursue His will, not ours.


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