Jackie Hill Perry partnering at Bethel with Bill Johnson (this is BAD)

By Elizabeth Prata

I’ve written about poetic speaking artist, former lesbian, self-identified Christian Jackie Hill Perry (JHP) before. Negatively. And positively. But at all times had asked readers and followers of JHP to use caution.

Jackie Hill Perry renounces Enneagram
Jackie Hill Perry comes out as a prophet
Jackie Hill Perry on her false prophesying
Jackie Hill Perry Discernment Review
Jackie Hill Perry performs jig-a-boo, about not tolerating false teachers, (ironic now that she’s doing that exact thing).

We often feel such joy when a fellow member of the human race converts in faith by grace of God to His kingdom. If that person has a “platform” then all the better, some believe, because the person can use it for the glory of God. Unfortunately, we often rush to put the person up on their platform, or other platforms, forgetting to use patience and wisdom to see if their conversion is genuine.

Paul warned Timothy when explaining qualifications for pastors, that he must not be a recent convert lest he become puffed up with pride, conceit, and fall into the devil’s snare. (1 Timothy 3:6). The same concept can be applied to any new convert who is thrust into leadership before they are ready.

Preaching at UYWI National Conference Aug 21, 2019

Jackie wasn’t ready.

Spencer Smith on JHP began his latest video on JHP this way:

“False teachers operate the same way. They all do. They come out of nowhere. They start saying all the right stuff and everybody gets real excited about them. Then after a while they keep talking and then all these red flags start popping up. You’re thinking this-that doesn’t sound right. That doesn’t add up. And after a while they just start saying all these crazy things. You’re thinking now wait a minute I’m going to make a call here. Am I going to just let this go or am I going to kind of blow the whistle on this person?”

Here is a timeline of JHP’s biography as an adult starting with conversion:

2008: JHP renounces lesbianism and converts to Christianity. She’d heard the Lord speak to her. She said- “I repented of my sins that day in my bedroom, believing that Jesus was simply better.” (Better than what?)
2010: Began performing her poetry with Preston Perry.
2014: Marries Preston.
2018: Appeared in documentary American Gospel: Christ Alone as a solid Christian.
2019: Partners with some of the type of people she spoke against in the film; sparks backlash and a disinvite to Answers in Genesis conference. Open Letter from Truth + Fire is published pleading to JHP to be discerning.
2019: AG filmmaker tries to reason with JHP about her discernment. Fell on deaf ears. (see below for Facebook post about this).
2020: In a Q&A Session on Instagram Story, JHP Pointedly refutes her participation in AG film, declares doctrinal divides as “tribalistic”.

“Q: Will you do another American Gospel type of documentary?
A: Probably not. I deeply dislike the tribalism and theological superiority those type of films encourage. I did it then. I won’t ever do it again.”

2021: JHP continually partners with false teachers. List from Michelle Lesley: JHP partners with false teachers-  Beth Moore, Priscilla ShirerChristine CaineLysa TerKeurstLisa HarperLauren Chandler, and Amanda Bible Williams at various LifeWay Abundance and LifeWay Women Live conferences.
2022: JHP often openly mentions hearing directly from God, (see link above “JHP comes out as prophet”) and tells some prophecies ‘God’ has allegedly given her. JHP rejects pleas for her to employ better discernment.
2022: Frequent preaching at many conferences and other locations, which requires much travel. Preaches unashamedly to men.
2023/2024: December 2023 it’s revealed JHP to be a teacher at the 10-day Bethel Music School in 2024, teaching WITH Bill Johnson. See immediately below the American Gospel summation of this sad situation-

American Gospel wrote on Facebook RE JHP teaching at Bethel

In our last communication with Jackie Hill Perry (2019), we explained our concerns over her partnerships with Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music), Christine Caine (Hillsong), Sarah Jakes Roberts (daughter of T.D. Jakes) and other people connected with the Word of Faith or NAR movement. She explained that she did not agree with WoF doctrine because it was a misrepresentation of the gospel of God. But she was not in agreement with our interpretation of the Biblical lines in who we would avoid ministry partnerships with, or who would actually teaches that false doctrine.

We recently learned that Jackie will be a speaker at Bethel Music’s 2024 Worship School, alongside Bill Johnson. https://bethelmusic.com/worshipschool

Jackie also asked for our prayers for wisdom to discern what is pleasing to God, and how that affects her neighbors. We believe that her decision crosses both of those lines, because Bethel’s doctrine and practices lead people into spiritual danger, which means they should be avoided.

“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” — Romans 16:17.

-end American Gospel Facebook note.

Screenshot from Bethel School of Music’s announcement of the 2024 courses & speakers

Yes. She has crossed that line.

The discussion circling around Jackie these past few years has been whether JHP was genuinely converted and been drawn into a circle of wolves early on but will eventually come out of it, or that she was not genuinely converted and is now unconcernedly circling with wolves. I was suspicious from the start because her original testimony contained alleged direct hearing from God, and she later admitted publicly she hears from God in personal prophecies. For this reason I do not believe she is saved.

Jackie said the right things at the beginning and sadly, the wolves glommed on to her. She was promoted, touted, and trumpeted as a trophy of God. Discerners had warned that the Bible warns not to puff a new convert too soon else they become conceited. Jackie, in my opinion, showed an almost immediate disregard for wise counsel, indicating the aforementioned puffed-up-ness. No genuine Christian even with a small amount of discernment, would be comfortable with SO MANY wolves SO OFTEN as she has been associating with. And I put the timeline to show that she is not a newbie any more. She should have grown in wisdom and discernment by now, and she hasn’t.

Avoid Jackie Hill Perry. She is with her ‘tribe’- the wolves.

Further Reading

GotQuestions: Is the Word of Faith (WoF) movement biblical?

Christian research and Apologetics Ministry: What is the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)?

Ligonier: Are there prophecies today?

Q&A various pastors at Ligonier: How do you define a false teacher?


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