How Will I Know if He or She Really Loves Me - Series Page

How will I know if he loves me?

The words to an old, familiar song come to mind as we launch into the topic of dating, marriage, and finding the right person.

Maybe you remember this song made famous by Whitney Houston…

“How Will I Know if He Really Loves Me?”

How will I know that he/she is the right one for me? Catch the Series! #marriage #relationships #dating

So, how do you know if you have met the “right” person?

* How’s a girl to know if she has found the man she’s to marry?

* Or, how’s a guy to know that he has met his future wife?

These are age-old questions that young adults all ask when they start dating, connecting, and looking ahead to the future.

Having some young adults in my home and my immediate sphere of influence, I thought it might be a fun topic to cover as we move into the spring and the wedding season.

I also have talked to many of you (who aren’t quite so young) who are also considering dating again or marrying again.

You may be asking these same questions

~ How will I know if he/she is right for me? 

~Truly, how do I know that they are “the one” for me?

So often, people answer these questions with an answer that I understand but don’t like – “You’ll just know.”

This is true.

You will KNOW – deep within your heart.

However, I think there is so much more to this answer.

For that reason, I want us to consider some ways that we can KNOW that a person is good for us or not so good for us.

Over the next 6 weeks, we will consider several additional ways that you can truly know that a person is good for you to date, get involved with, or marry.

I’ve talked to many happily married couples, and read many wonderful books on this topic. Also, I’m enjoying my 27th year with my husband.

I’ll be sharing the wisdom of many folks that I respect, the wisdom of some great resources, and some of the things I’ve learned in my marriage relationship.

How will I know that he is the right one for me? #relationships #dating #love #romance #marriage #rightoneWeek OneDo you have PEACE with this person and your relationship?

Read the article HERE.

How Laughter is the Best Medicine in a Relationship. #laughter #medicine #relationships #marriage #datingWeek Two – Are you LAUGHING, having fun, and enjoying your relationship?

Read the article HERE.

Good Marriages are Made Even Better with This One Thing, #marriage #kindness #love #datingWeek Three – Does your other person make you feel special, valuable, and loved? Are they KIND to you?

Read the article HERE.

There must be something for the relationship to be about! What holds your relationship together? How can you find more common ground? Why not drop by the website to find out! #commonground #marriage #relationships #datingWeek Four – What is your relationship about? There must be something for it to be about!

Read the article HERE.

Are your backgrounds similar or very different? Common ground in our backgrounds can help our marriages and relationships! Here are 7 remarkable ways your backgrounds improve your marriage. Why not drop by to learn more? #marriage #relationships #dating #helpWeek Five – What do your backgrounds have to do with the success of your relationship? Find out!

Read the article HERE.

Those who make their relationship work, last over time and enjoy each other most do this one thing and pursue this one thing. This one quality is timeless, it is reliable, it is dependable, and it is true. The most amazing couples have this one thing in common. Discover what it is today. #commonground #marriage #relationships #hopeWeek Six – The Most Amazing Couples Have This ONE THING in Common. What is it?

Read the article HERE.

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How will I know that he/she is the right one for me? Catch the Series! #marriage #relationships #dating

How will I know that he/she is the right one for me? Catch the Series! #marriage #relationships #dating

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