How to Write a Psychology Dissertation: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Write a Psychology Dissertation: Step-by-Step Guide

To obtain a master’s degree in psychology, you must write and defend a master’s thesis. A dissertation is a large scientific work. Such an independent study consists of a theoretical and a practical part.

Writing such a work is a time-consuming process. Therefore, the author must use his knowledge and skills to perform research work. The applicant confirms his qualification in the researched field with scientific work. Without its protection, a transition to a new level of scientific development is impossible.

Young scientists who plan to connect their lives with scientific activities often write such works not only for various organizations that need solutions to important scientific problems for successful business.

Despite everything, writing a dissertation requires maximum concentration on work and almost complete abandonment of the duties and joys of everyday life. Do you not provide yourself with the necessary conditions for mental work? The only correct solution is to order a dissertation from professionals! Read more here – This will help you save your time and effort and get a high-quality and unique dissertation.

What does the dissertation consist of?

The author should write their thesis in strict accordance with the requirements. The developed structure of such work will help you easily plan your time for writing the research, prepare the necessary reports for the department, and perform this work qualitatively.

Even if in the process of writing the work, you will make corrections to the initial plan, it is not scary. A revised plan is better than no plan at all.

Here is the structure of the thesis:

  • Title page.

  • Content.

  • Introduction – introduction to the topic, indication of relevance, etc. Approximately 5% of the total amount of work.

  • The main part is divided into sections, paragraphs, and logical blocks.

  • The final part is a brief generalization and summary of the research. Also about 5% of the total volume.

  • Bibliographic list – a list of used sources.

  • Appendices – all additional materials (tables, diagrams, photos, etc.).

Top 3 Mistakes for Writing a Dissertation

Usually, students make the most common mistakes, because this is their first scientific work. If you have some experience, to write such a dissertation is not difficult. Here we can highlight such mistakes during the writing.

Non-compliance with the indicators of uniqueness. Plagiarism is an unacceptable phenomenon in scientific work. Of course, it is impossible to get absolute originality. However, researchers cannot cross a certain minimum limit. There is no single standard. The regulations depend on the specific educational institution and the subject of the work.

Inconsistency between main ideas and sources. If the author mentions a certain source in the text but does not include it in the bibliography, it’s a big error. Also, you can’t list some research in the reference but not mention it in the main body.

Insufficient number of publications in scientific journals on this topic. The number of publications is also determined by the regulation.

Tips and Tricks on Writing a Psychology Dissertation

Let’s look at the instructions for writing a psychology dissertation. A good dissertation topic is the key to its success. When choosing a topic for a psychology dissertation, pay attention to the following points:

  • Students choose the topic for their psychology dissertation in the first semester. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the topic does not lose its relevance by the end of the study.

  • See that there are reliable sources of information on the chosen topic. It may turn out that the research is not enough.

  • When the topic of the dissertation arouses the interest of the author, it is easier and faster to write such a work. And the result will be better than writing a paper on an uninteresting topic.

  • After the writer has chosen a research topic, it is better to make a plan. In this way, the student will distribute the load, strength, and time correctly. It is important to remember that practical research in psychology can take some time. For example, as part of the dissertation, the graduate should conduct a survey of students at the beginning and end of the academic year. Sticking to a plan will help you write your paper on time.

More Tips and Tricks on Writing a Psychology Dissertation

  • After making a plan, it’s time to start studying the literature on the topic of the dissertation. It is best to take the literature of proven and well-known compilers. Regarding studies, their authors must also be ‌recognized in the world community. If you take information from the Internet, give preference to electronic libraries. Do not forget to indicate the link to the information and the time of the reference to the source.

  • Competent design of work in psychology is the “cover” of the research. Even the most interpretable text and research will lose its significance if the graduate makes mistakes in the design.

Pre-defense and dissertation defense

Without these stages, the written work has no meaning. Preliminary defense serves as a kind of rehearsal. But at the time of the defense, the candidate must have all the documents in hand, and the work must be in its final form.

The preparation of a report also takes place, with an allocated time of 20-30 minutes (up to 50 for a doctoral dissertation). Questions and answers follow. Reviews are being formulated. The result is a conclusion on the thesis and a recommendation to submit it to the defense (if, of course, everything went smoothly).

Once all the necessary documents are finalized, the report is compiled,  reviews are prepared and the final slide of the presentation is ready to be shown, we can say that the dissertation writing process has been completed.

After that, there’s a final step to success – defense. During the defense, a specialized academic council delivers its verdict through a secret ballot.

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