How to find spiritual guidance - Christian Personal Development

Sons of the prophet

  • ·September 24, 2024

You will learn how to find spiritual guidance in this post. Finding and staying under the right spiritual leaders or teachers play a very important role in your spiritual development. You are not to toy with this.

How to find spiritual guidance: Who is your teacher?

Who is your leader? Who is your teacher? Who is your counselor? Who is your adviser? Who is your pastor? 

Those are important questions you need to answer immediately. Your teacher, adviser, or pastor has access to your soul and can cause you harm if he or she is not filled with light. 

Ungodly information flying around 

Negative or false or ungodly information is flying around so much in this end time. Blind teachers or pastors can fill you with false information. 

Jesus warned us in the passage below

Luke 6:39

[39]He further told them a proverb: Can a blind [man] guide and direct a blind [man]? Will they not both stumble into a ditch or a hole in the ground?

I believe you don’t want to fall into a ditch. If you don’t, then you must ensure you look for and embrace the right spiritual guidance. 

How to find spiritual guidance: Christianity is the right spirituality 

Christianity remains the right spirituality. A life that is born of God through acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior where you begin to live your life based on His instructions through His Spirit and His Word as we have it in the Bible.

You won’t be making a mistake when you allow Christian values and instructions of God to guide you on the path of finding spiritual guidance. God will never lead you astray.

Check your counselors and teachers 

Take some time to spiritually check those who are teaching, counseling, or advising you. Are they blind people? If they are, then you have to make a desperate change!

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Or Christian personal development books 

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I love to teach and use success principles from the Bible to solve practical problems. My many books tell all the stories. All problems have their solutions in the Bible. I am married with kids.


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