Hair Chronicles

    It’s been a while since I last documented my natural hair journey on the blog and this year I have made deliberate efforts to try as much protective styles as fiscally and physically possible. I think I did a pretty good job! I am once again falling in love with styling and discovering my hair.

    For example, for a friend’s wedding for the very first time I did a ponytail, and I was so proud of myself. I haven’t had a ponytail since my early teenage years, yes it had been that long! It felt strange and surreal. I first of all had to learn how to slick my hair back and thankful for my friends who were there to guide and teach me about the art of gelling one’s hair downnnn. Lol. Even with that, I couldn’t come and kill myself. I realize I’m not so much a fan of the absolute slicked look on myself. I might appreciate it on others, but I don’t really think it’s meant for me.

    Anyways, I had also been on a quest to find a reliable hair stylist. If you remembered from my last post on natural hair a few years back, I had my trusted few that would help me with styling my hair but as time progressed and everyone moved unto to other things in life it was necessary to find new people to fill that role. As you can imagine it was quite a journey.

    I had my very first experience in a professional hair stylist space since 2021 and it was truly magical! I loved the whole experience of being pampered and taken care of. Sometimes we all just need some tender loving care (TLC).

    Back in my homestead, I found Janie’s braids! Luckily for me the owner is also a friend of mine so that really helps with bringing the vision to life. But I truly appreciate it when I feel comfortable with the stylist to envision something, work together with them with the resources we have. Cos one thing about me is we are going to steward the resources well and make the best of what we have!

    But, I know I have found a good fit when there is combination of that cohesiveness in bringing the hair vision to life, vibing effortlessly through the time we spend and just having a great self care moment.

    You might think but is it not just hair. I thought so too but I realized that making my hair more frequently this year has also boosted my confidence. I am deliberately giving my hair TLC by pouring time, resources and love into it. I am able to express myself creatively also. Selecting hairstyles is usually one of my favorite things as I always try to pick something unique that I hope will fit me and that can last for a while. Lool, I have exposed my secrets but those are some of my criterias to selecting my next hairstyle. Please share below what some of your criterias are, I would be interested to know!

    Another interesting phenomenon was that other people have started to notice that I have a few grey hairs. I remembered when someone made a comment and in my mind I am like I have reconciled that fact ages ago! You are just noticing now but I have had this for about two years now. The glory of the aged is their grey hair right? The prayer is that we as we age and how physical body starts to show that our soul also matures and that we gain wisdom. So no matter what you might feel insecure about based on your hair or any other external factor, know that God had thought of you, was mindful of you and believed you were the best person to have what it is that you currently have. If it is negative then we seek God’s grace and wisdom to manage these things. (say for example, excema, dandruff or the likes. These are issues I have encountered and conquered in the past by the way)

    It is interesting the Bible says we are wonderfully and fearfully made and as the works of Gods hands I am wonderful:

    "and I praise you because of the wonderful way you created me. Everything you do is marvelous! Of this I have no doubt." 
    Psalm 139:14 (CEV)

    Whether our hair is slayed down or we are in between styles we know that it is the beauty of the inner man that truly radiates. External beauty has not much bearings without allowing the internal works of the Holy Spirit. Like I know the times when I have tried to look all good on the outside but internally battling so many thoughts that are not of God. Even looking back at those pictures it’s like ‘Eek, something’s off’. God wants our outer beauty to reflect the inner beauty He infuses in us by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Having a self-care moment with Janie’s braids for my hair, is also important to have a self-care moment for my soul with daily devotions. However it looks like for you, we must just ensure that we check in with our soul beautician every day. Either playing the audio bible, listening to worship music, playing back Sunday sermon or any other sermon, reading a devotional, reading a chapter in the Bible (I recommend going through the Proverbs) or whatever else you decide to do. Let’s endeavor to beautify our Spirit, Soul and Mind.

    P:S – If you reach out to Janie’s braids and use her services, let her know musingswithmo sent you 😉


    Mo 🙂

    A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more... (Romans 12:2)

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