God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle: Part One

God’s equipment for spiritual battle is described in the Bible book of Ephesians 6:10-18. It reminds Christ-followers of a real, spiritual enemy. And describes the spiritual armor God provides for battle when he attacks.

Paul begins in V.10 by urging Christ-followers to Be Strong in the Lord. Although, a more literal translation is Be strengthened in the Lord.

In other words, you don’t fight alone! God’s Spirit is with you, empowering you in the fight.

God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle Fastens On The Belt Of Truth…

Scholars say Paul wrote Ephesians while imprisoned in Rome and likely chained to a Roman soldier, which explains where the analogy comes from. And the first piece of God’s equipment for spiritual battle he describes is the belt of truth.

The RSV Bible translates it having girded your loins with truth gives a better picture of Paul’s meaning. Because common clothing of the day featured flowing robes that had to be gathered up to engage in physical activity. In essence, Paul tells Christ-followers to prepare yourself. Gather up your clothes and tighten on the belt of truth to hold them in place so you’re ready to fight.

But what kind of truth?

The Greek word aletheia, means a reality that is firm, solid, and true. And in this context suggests individual character and integrity.

It represents your core. And where you find balance. Although it’s not your own truth, but is based on God’s truth. Trusting His absolute integrity. And a willingness to stand firm and fight for it.

God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle Wears A Breast Plate Of Righteousness

Imputed righteousness is an important Christian doctrine. That we’re all sinners, but the perfect righteousness of Jesus is imputed to you when you accept him as Savior and Lord.

And yet, you’re called to strive for righteousness. Imitate the life of Jesus. And demonstrate upright character by living according to God’s law.

However, the emphasis is not on how well you attain personal righteousness, but your devotion to God’s law. And this involves balance. By accepting God’s grace of salvation, knowing you can’t achieve perfect righteousness, but still striving for a life that honors God.

This means guarding your heart by diligently controlling what you let enter and stay. And exercising healthy, spiritual practices that include regularly consuming the Word of God.

God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle Wears Shoes Given By The Gospel Of Peace

It seems strange that in the middle of a fight, Paul talks about peace. We’re supposed to witness in the middle of combat? And yet, it’s clearly an important part of our mission. After all, sharing the gospel message was in Jesus’ last instructions before ascending to heaven.

Because Jesus is the only path to peace with God. And the hope Peter encourages Christ-followers to readily share.

However, the Greek noun hetoimasia, also means preparation in the sense of a prepared foundation. In other words, the gospel provides a sense of peace that presents firm footing in the battle.

In either case, the gospel of peace is part of God’s protective equipment when the enemy attacks.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.


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