Enemies Becoming Brothers Again! - Raising Zion

Just for you — If your ways are pleasing to the Lord, your enemies will be at peace with you!! On the other hand, if you’ve still got enemies, I guess it’s time for you to search and see where you have been grieving God. Stop pleasing man and start mending your ways. When your ways are pleasing to Him know for sure that He will work for you, on your behalf!! ❤️

When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs‬ ‭16:7‬

Jacob had an enemy; his own elder brother Esau. On one occasion Esau came along with 400 men to harm Jacob and his family. Genesis 33:1-4. Why? To take revenge against what Jacob had done few years back — of subtly taking away the blessing he was supposed to receive from his father. Well 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jacob loved his brother, no doubt!! And he was about to meet him after such a long time. He didn’t want to meet Esau in this way. And therefore Jacob did a few things to restore his relationship with his elder brother. Let’s see what Jacob did:

1. As soon as Esau approached, Jacob bowed himself to the ground 7 times. Genesis 33:3. This very act of Jacob broke Esau’s heart and he ran forward to embrace his small brother – vs 4. They hugged, kissed and wept on each other’s shoulders and thus became brothers again!! 🤩Amazing!! Seven stands for perfection. In our lives, when we humble ourselves completely before God, the enemies who once went against us will be reconciled with us.

2. Before meeting Esau, when the Angel asked Jacob his name, he plainly mentioned it as it was. He admitted his real state to God. Genesis 32:27. The meaning of Jacob is deceiver or a supplanter. Of course, God knew Jacob’s name, but he still asked him. Similarly, we need to first recognise our shortcomings, confess and forsake them. By doing so, our ways become pleasing to God and our enemies will become our friends.

3. Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents. Genesis 25:27. He was a simple man, hanging around with family unlike his brother, a cunning hunter. Dwelling in tents spiritually means having a life of prayer. A praying person overcomes every problem. Let us also nurture and grow in our life of prayer and thereby please God.

4. Jacob obeyed the counsel that his mother gave him; because of which he could get his father’s blessing. Genesis 27:6-9. Mother spiritually refers to the ministers God has kept for us, who give us counsel and help us grow in the Lord. By listening to their counsel from the Word and living accordingly, we will surely please God and our enemies will be at peace with us. May God help us.

Be blessed 💕


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