Destination RESToration: Remove Rinse and REST

This is part six of Destination RESToration. If you have not read the first five segments, I encourage you to do so before you move on to this section. Destination RESToration, DR Restored to Our Original Purpose, DR Preparing for Restoration, DR Restored Communion with God, DR Call the Carpenter.


If you have worked on a restoration project that requires sanding and digging out the layers of crud built up over the years, you know there will be a lot of debris on and in the vicinity of your project. It can be a real mess.

In the same way, removing the remnants from years of hurt, sin and bitterness from our hearts and lives can be a messy, yet it is a vital part of the restoration process.

And like the old song says “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”


After sanding and digging out that crud, it’s essential to clean away the debris. Dry brushing and vacuuming is good, but it usually will require a good scrub and may be a full-on fresh water wash down.  

Titus tells us that, When the kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy, he saved us through the WASHING of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5

And If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousnessI John 1:9

Wash me and I will be white as snow; Cleanse me with hyssop. Psalm 51

It’s important to get rid of all “crud” in our lives so we can accurately reflect the image of God and not let any of our debris mar the finished work in our lives.

The previous steps of the restoration process can be painful. Sometimes we have to dig in and keep at it, but after the recognition of the need for restoration, the repentance, and the cleansing, we need to rest.


I know, by experience, that if I start the next phase of a restoration project before it has “rested” there will be a problem. Either the glue doesn’t hold something together, the color is uneven because the wood didn’t dry properly, or the stain/paint rubs off on my clothes because I didn’t give it enough time to dry. What a pain it is to have to start all over again.

I may have a problem being patient…

Too often, we confess, go to counseling, or restore a relationship and check it off the list like we are ready to move onto the next activity.

Rest really is not a four-letter word, not even a suggestion or a good idea, but a command from God, and it is an essential part of the restoration process.

Just like our physical bodies, our souls need time to rest and recover. God does not need us to hurry up and move on to the next thing.

Did you know that almost 15% of the Creation timeline is God resting? This is from a God who does not sleep or slumber. He rested to enjoy the fruit of His labor and to set an example for us.

Throughout scripture we are told to rest, to have a Sabbath, to be still. God even gave directions for letting the ground/soil rest every seven years for one year, about 15% of the time. Why is it so hard to realize that we need to slow down, rest and be still? 

Psalm 37:7  Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him. 

He created us. He knows what we need, and REST is at the top of the list. 

We are working towards eternity. God is not rushing us. He does not expect a 17 year old to have the wisdom of a 60 year old. He does not expect a brand new Christian to have the same knowledge and understanding of Scripture that He expects a mature believer to possess.

He doesn’t expect a brand new believer to be an elder in the church. He does not require us to go through trials, hurt, grief, mountaintop or valley experiences without rest.

Even Jesus escaped His crazy, busy ministry to rest. Once, He was so tired He fell asleep on a boat in the middle of a storm. And when His weary disciples were terrified and ready to abandon ship, He commanded the sea by saying “Peace, be still!”

And He tells us in Matthew 11, “Come unto me you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Fortunately, He is the Master Builder. He is the architect, carpenter, and restoration expert. He designed and knows the plans for our lives.

If you feel like you have messed up God’s masterpiece, don’t worry, He is in the business of restoration. He has all the equipment and knowledge to restore your masterpiece to its original purpose and beauty and He has all the time in the world… literally.

What debris is cluttering your heart? I encourage you to allow Jesus to remove it as far as the east is from the west and restore your soul.

As we enter this holiday season, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and take time to rest so that we do not become “weary in doing good.”

What can you say no to this season? Will you choose to be like Mary and sit at the feet of Jesus? How can you choose to rest today?

I hope you are enjoying this series & hope to see you here next week for the next installment. Please feel free to share or comment.


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Keri Willis

Keri has always loved Jesus but realized at the early age of five that she wanted to give her heart to Him and spend her life serving Him. She is married to her magnificent husband of almost 40 years, Harold. They live in San Diego with their lively Weimaraner, Belle and serve in leadership at their church home. They have two happily married adult children and one granddaughter. Keri is graduate of Liberty University and has a master’s in education from San Diego State University. She has worked in various areas of education and ministry with a special place in her heart for individuals with special needs. She enjoys teaching God’s children of all ages. She loves all things outdoors. Her favorite “office” is her backyard where many ideas for women’s retreats, speaking engagements, blog posts, and books have been born. You can find more of her writing at and all four of her books on Amazon, by going to Amazon and typing in Keri Lynn Willis.