Can I Really Trust God?

Have you ever asked God to take care of a situation, but then found yourself holding on to it so tightly you got in His way? I sure have. I’ve prayed for various situations and then tried to fix them myself. Not a good idea.

I saw a great example of that when my son was in elementary school. A gaggle of eight-year-old boys were playing on the playground in our backyard when Steven came running into the house with his hand over his eye.

“A piece of bark got in my eye! Get it out! Get it out!” he cried.

“Son, you’re going to have to take your hand away if you want me to remove the bark.”

“No, don’t touch it,” he cried. “It’ll hurt!”

“It already hurts,” I replied. “Now take your hand away so I can get it out.”

Steven kept his hand over his eye and went back and forth between “get it out” and “don’t touch it” for about twenty-five minutes. Finally, the pain overcame the fear, and he decided to trust me. It took twenty-five minutes for me to convince him to remove his hand and 5 seconds for me to remove the speck of bark.

As he ran back out into the yard to play, I saw myself in Steven’s struggle. So many times, when I have a pain causing problem, I cry out to God, “Get it out! Get it out!” At the same time, I hold on to it so tightly, He can’t. It’s really a matter of trust.

Peter wrote: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you,” (1 Peter 5:7 NLT). Another translation says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (NIV). The Greek word translated “give” or “cast” in this verse means to forcefully throw. There’s nothing timid about that. We can’t cast all our worries on God or give them to God and hang onto them at the same time. At some point, we must decide which one it will be.

Ponder the words to this anonymous poem:

Just as my child brings his broken toys with tears for me to mend.

I took my broken dreams to God, because He was my friend.

But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone,

I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own.

At last I snatched them back and cried, “How could you be so slow?”

“What could I do, my child,” he said, “You never would let go.”

When it comes to God, you can trust Him. He is the same yesterday today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He will never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8). He says what He means and means what He says. God cares for you unceasingly, provides for you immeasurable, and loves you unconditionally. And You can trust Him.

And so, God asks us, will you trust Me? Will you trust me with that struggle in your child’s life? With that rebellion? That attitude? That relationship? That health issue? With that speck in the eye? Will you remove your hand so I can use mine?

And we finally whisper, Yes Lord. I trust You. I’ll let go.

Father, I trust You. I open my hands filled with worried and fears and give them to You. I will not snatch them back. I will not question Your timing. I give them all to you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Think of a time when you had to remove a splinter from a finger, piece of glass from a foot, or speck of bark from a child’s eye. Did the person fight you even though they knew you were trying to help? Do you see any similarities between a child’s apprehension and your attitude when you bring a problem to God?

If you’re willing to trust God with your current worries and concerns, leave a comment and say, “Lord, I trust You! I’m letting go!”  

We know being a mom in today’s culture is trying, tiring, and tremendously rewarding all at the same time. Discouragement weighs heavy. Loneliness looms large. Frustration tangles emotions. That’s why we need Christian sisters to lock arms with us on the journey—cheerleaders who shout you can do it, keep going, don’t give up! That’s why we need our Heavenly Father who says, I see what you’re going through, I’m right here with you, and I am so proud of you.

 My new 90-day devotional book, “Mamma Moments with God,” is just the hug moms need. In this beautiful hardback book, I share highly relatable stories—momma moments—from my own life, as well as Bible verses, prayers, reflection questions, and journaling pages. Every day invites a time to pause and focus on a parenting theme such as dealing with disappointment, relying on God, receiving and offering grace, and having courage to move into a new season.

If you’re a grandmother, you have someone who would love this book! She’ll thank you for it!

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