5 Reasons Why You Need Spiritual Counsel To Overcome This World - Raising Zion

spiritual counsel

Every one needs spiritual counsel. I wrote earlier about why godly vision is necessary. I want to share five points in this post on the benefits of receiving spiritual counsel.

The time of Christ is at hand. The world is taking an ugly turn into deeper darkness. Hearts of men are failing. Believers have lost the first love, fallen from the first faith. Every believer must turn to God to receive spiritual counsel.

Why do we need to receive vision or spiritual counsel from God or godly elders?

1. To live with godly purpose, to live a meaningful life. (Proverbs 15:22/ 20:18) (Psalms 106:13) (Judges 18:5) / Samson wasted his life because he lusted after women. He lost his vision and strength because of disobedience to counsel. God had a great plan concerning him.

2. Knowledge, wisdom of God (Proverbs 12:15/ 19:20). Earthly knowledge is good for living on the earth, but spiritual knowledge and wisdom is for now and forever. You can gain the world, but what’s the point if you lose your soul?

3. To be Happy or blessed (Psalms 1:1) (Proverbs 27:9). Mental and emotional health problems have multiplied greatly since the pandemic. People are discouraged and suicidal. Godly counsel keeps us rejoicing and in gladness.

4. Ability to Stand or be safe (Proverbs 11:14). When we walk in godly vision, we keep the armour of God on to stand against the wiles of the devil. We stay safe from harm, pulling others from the fire too.

5. Prepare for Rapture/ Noah, Lot (Psalms 73:24). Enoch walked with God, and God took him. Noah walked with God and he be his family was saved from destruction. God alone can prepare us from the destruction that awaits the earth.

Are you ready to fly dear believer? Jesus is coming soon. Let’s submit our lives to live for God in these last days. Praise God and Amen!


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