2023: Transitions

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that two profound questions have guided the trajectory of my life. The first is: Who does God want me to be five or ten years from now? And that leads to the follow-up question: What do I have to do now in order to eventually become that person in five or ten years?

Earnestly and truthfully grappling with these two questions has consequentially changed the way I live my life. It affects how I spend my time, who I spend it with, the spiritual disciplines I practice, how I manage my finances, even how I exercise and take care of my physical body. It affects the books I read, the prayers I pray, the conversations I share, the passions I hold dear, the songs I write, the art I art. I highly recommend all artists of faith do this periodically.

Typically, I write an end-of-year blog called “By The Numbers,” where I go over some notable statistics—gigs, projects, conferences, albums, worship services. But I thought I’d do this a little different this year. Mostly because this is a transitional year, one marked with less artistic and creative endeavors and more with administration, travel, and stepping into new roles.

That’s not to say I haven’t been creative. After a third exciting zoom table read with some very inspiring actors, my screenplay was script locked and copyrighted, and my producer is currently looking for funding. I was involved in a few notable musical projects, one of which was co-writing songs for a cool worship project involving some aspiring artists and a contracted union LA string orchestra. And I joined another band, a smooth jazz group we’re calling Groove Therapy, which will probably keep me pretty busy over the next year or so. So I haven’t been dormant. But as I’ve been actively and prayerfully discerning the next chapter of my life, I know I am moving towards more and more transition.

Which brings me back to those two profound questions. As a spiritual practice, my wife and I like to go away once-a-year to evaluate our lives. We’ve been doing this pretty much our entire marriage. This includes a time of personal prayer, journaling (and doodling), and doing a lot of sitting (usually somewhere exotic) and talking about our lives—kind of looking backward to look forward. I break it down to a number of different but related areas: Spiritual Growth (Who I am becoming in Christ), Ministry Opportunities (What God is calling me to do for Him), Church (My current and future roles at Oak Hills), Artistic Endeavors (The creative things He has or may inspire in me), and Personal (My evolving roles as husband, father, grandfather, brother, mentor, and friend). And in the presence of the Lord, I ask myself those two questions.

In a sense, I’ve been preparing for years to be the person I am now. And I’m preparing now to be the person I will one day be. Given all of that, here are a few transitions that are in play now:

INVOLVEMENT WITH ACT INTERNATIONAL This last year, I officially became a ministry department of Artists in Christian Testimony International, a non-profit organization that mobilizes and equips artistic and innovative ministries throughout the world. In this capacity, I have become a non-profit organization covered under their 501(c) which allows me to function in ministry separate from my home church. If you want to read more about this new endeavor, or even if you’d like to donate, please hit the link here. And if you want to know more about how you or your ministry can become a non-profit organization (without the hassle and paperwork!), please contact me directly and I can help you. Under ACT Intl, I will be able to further my creative endeavors, as well as mentor and advocate for artists of faith, in greater and greater ways.

PRESSING INTO ART & FAITH ADVOCACY I’ve been an active advocate for the arts and faith for fifteen years. In this capacity, I’ve lectured and preached, led teams of creatives, written curriculum, created conferences (look for the Intersections: Arts & Faith Conference coming to Northern California in February 2024), written two books, and endorsed many others. I see my role increasing over the next few years to include personal mentoring for those who want it. Let me know if you’re interested in establishing a formal relationship in this way.

CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS I think this is the year I finally release a worship album. Over the years, I’ve composed a good number of worship songs which have hopefully blessed my home church, but I haven’t put out a worship album in this century. I think 2024 will be the year I finally record and release a collection of these songs for the world. We’re also undergoing some changes with my company, WalkaBout Music, and I’ll be assuming a greater role in manufacturing this next year, so that will keep me pretty busy. Finally, I’ll still continue to be busy with a handful of bands, conference speaking (let me know if you’d like me at your conference or church), screenplay promoting, blogging, and other stuff.

As always, I’m grateful for all the things these last fifteen years of Adventures in Faith and Art have brought to me—from lifelong friendships to worldwide experiences to incredible artistic expressions. I look forward to 2024. I hope you do too.

[Photos: Sitting in on the orchestral recording of the Immerse Project, Evergreen Studios in Burbank (top), The actors involved in the Zoom table read of my screenplay titled “Butterflies Dancing” (middle), WalkaBout Drums in final assembly (bottom). Banner photo: Our 2024 Retreat in Maui.]


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