20 Ways To Use Your Words For Good - Lisa E Betz

What we say matters, because words are powerful.  Our words can make someone’s day, or ruin it. That’s why you must be intentional and choose to use your words for good.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. -Mother Teresa

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble. -Yehuda Berg

I was reminded recently how important it is to watch what I say. The world is full of negative words, words that reject, hurt, and dishonor. Words that crush hopes, sour relationships, instill fear.

I want my words, spoken or written, to counteract that negative force. Because words can also restore hope, heal relationships and bring courage. Those are the kind of words I want to speak. The kind of sentences I want to write.

Using your words for good isn’t always easy

Unfortunately, the people we want to encourage don’t always make it easy, do they? Sometimes they act in ways that are downright annoying—or worse. But even in those moments I can choose to refrain from speaking negative words. I can choose to keep unkind thoughts to myself.

Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall.
Jodi Picoult

When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it is unspoken you reign over it.
Arabian Proverb

Business experts say people work better in when positive comments outweigh negative ones at least 5 to 1. Other experts claim it takes ten positive comments to outweigh one negative. Whatever the ratio, it is clear that we humans need more positive words in our lives.

Which means you and I need to be intentional about speaking positive messages, not just now and then, but every day. As often as I can. To as many people as I can.


Simple ways to use your words for good today

  1. Thank a coworker for their assistance.
  2. Say hello to the person in line behind you.
  3. Keep that snarky comment to yourself.
  4. Thank anyone who holds a door for you.
  5. Sing along to songs with uplifting lyrics.
  6. Compliment a stranger on their outfit.
  7. Leave an encouraging note for your spouse or child.
  8. Wish the cashier a good day.
  9. List five things you are grateful for, out loud.
  10. Resist the urge to correct someone just to prove you are right.
  11. Call a family member and tell them how much you love them.
  12. Compliment a coworker on their idea or their work.
  13. Send a card to someone, just to brighten their day.
  14. Post or tweet an encouraging thought or quote.
  15. Thank your child or spouse for doing something kind.
  16. If you can’t say something positive, keep silent.
  17. Text a friend and tell them how much you appreciate them.
  18. Compliment a stranger on their manners (or even better, their children’s manners.)
  19. If you notice someone seems sad or stressed, ask them how they are feeling.
  20. Don’t demand the last word.

I thank you for taking time to read my words today. I hope they have done good in your heart.

Now, go out and spread a little kindness. Use your words for good today.

You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Joel Osteen


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